Gender-Based Violence Disclosure Process: King's Faculty and Staff Information
As a King’s employee, you may receive a disclosure of gender-based and sexual violence from a student or colleague. King’s is here to assist survivors by to connecting them with any resources they may feel will be helpful.
When a student discloses an experience of gender-based violence (GBV), we encourage King’s faculty and staff to listen empathetically, and then offer the student a referral to the Dean of Students ( or our Campus and Community Social Worker ( or 519-930-4640). Students can also contact the Survivor Case Managers at Western for support.
The role of these individuals is to talk with the student to see what next steps the student would like to take, if any. Students are welcome to connect with either, or both, at any time. The Dean of Students and the Campus and Community Social Worker can help students to access supports if they would like to, or to make a more formal disclosure if that is what they want to do. We will listen to students, and respect their choices.
If a student decides that they would like to connect with either or both, we ask that faculty or staff facilitate an introduction.
If a student decides that they would not like to connect with either or both, we ask that faculty or staff indicate that the student can connect with the Dean of Students or Campus and Community Social Worker at any point in the future. Declining this connection now does not preclude a connection in the future.
Gender-Based Sexual Violence Disclosure form
A Disclosure is Different than a Complaint
- A disclosure is the sharing of information by a survivor with a King’s employee concerning an incident of GBV.
- A complaint is the sharing of information concerning an incident of GBV with the intention of initiating a formal complaint process with the University.
The decision to file a complaint is made by the survivor. Accessing support and resources does not require the filing of a formal complaint with the University.
Criminal reports are separate and are managed by the applicable police services. King’s can assist students in connecting with their local police service.
If the disclosure is from an employee, please refer the individual to Human Resources and let the individual know that supports are available through King’s Employee Assistance Program.
The assistance that you will be able to provide to a survivor/victim of gender-based and sexual violence will depend on the nature, timing, and ongoing effects of the incident(s).
GBSV Disclosure Process Flowchart
We also ask that faculty or staff member remind the student that they can access free and confidential counselling supports here at King’s ( or via the 24-hour Anova gender-based violence crisis line at 519-642-3000.
We understand that in instances of gender-based violence, as with all violence, disclosures can be difficult to hear and experience. We understand that you may not have expertise in fielding a disclosure and we are here to support you.
Employee Training Modules
Required Training: Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence
King’s has developed a training module in partnership with the Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children (CREVAWC) to help you learn what to say and do, and what is expected of you as an employee, to support students or colleagues if you receive a disclosure. This module is required safety learning for all King’s employees.