Learning Commons
The main floor of the Cardinal Carter Library, and the Andy & Helen Spriet Learning Commons in the adjoining King Centre, provide space for collaborative learning at King's. In addition to network and wireless access to the library catalogue, to thousands of electronic resources and the internet, the library Learning Commons offers an array of learning support services in a welcoming academic space. Services included are group study rooms of various sizes, wired work spaces accommodating quiet collaborative activities or individual study, word processing and other productivity software on all library workstations, printing/copying/scanning facilities, access labs, videotaping equipment, video viewing rooms and quiet conversation lounges. Library staff are available to provide technical, troubleshooting and research assistance upon request. In collaboration with College partners, the Learning Commons hosts drop-in centres for the Write Place, the Critical Reading Project, the Math Tutor Centre, and the Peer Assisted Learning program.
See King’s Current Students section for a complete listing of campus services to support your research, writing and critical skills development.