Search Reserves

You can access course readings, print or electronic, through our Course Readings website. Sign in with your UWO username and password (as you would sign into email), and your personalized, course-specific reserves list will be displayed.

Talk to someone at the Service Desk for help finding your Course Readings.

Borrowing Course Readings

There are 2-hour, and 1-, 3- and 7-day reserves. The 2-hour and 1-day reserves are at the Service Desk. To borrow this material, bring the call number to the Service Desk. 

The 3- and 7-day reserves are shelved on the main floor of the library. Look for the New Books display near the photocopiers - the 3- and 7-day books are on the shelves between New Books and Periodicals. You can check out these books at the Service Desk.

Reserve Material is in high demand. The loan periods range from two hours to seven days. Here is the number of items you can borrow at one time, and the overdue fines.

Limit and Fines
1,3, & 7 Day 2 item limit $2.00 per day per item
Hourly Loans 3 item limit $2.00 per hour per item

Frequently Asked Questions

The due date of any item is listed in the catalogue. The catalogue record will show you if an item is available or when it is due. You can monitor the item's status by refreshing the page.

Reserve material can not be immediately checked out when returned. You must wait 15 minutes before you can take out a 2-hour reserve item again. One-, 3- and 7-day reserves can be checked out again the following day.

No. Reserves are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Two hour Reserve items must stay in the library. All other reserve types can leave the library.

No. All 2-hour reserve material must be returned before the service desk closes.