King’s offers generous unlimited and guaranteed Entrance Scholarships for domestic and international high school students. The scholarship will be based on your final, overall high school average as calculated for admission.

High School Entrance Scholarships

Grade Range
Scholarship Amount
82.0 – 84.9% $1,500.00
85.0 - 89.9% $2,500.00
90.0 – 94.9% $3,000.00
95.0%+ $3,500.00

Entrance Scholarships for Arts & Humanities

Grade Range
Scholarship Amount
82.0 – 84.9% $3,000.00
85.0 - 87.9% $3,500.00
88.0 – 89.9% $4,000.00
90.0%+ $4,500.00

International High School Entrance Scholarships

Grade Range
Scholarship Amount
82.0 – 84.9% $2,500.00
85.0 - 89.9% $3,500.00
90.0 – 94.9% $4,000.00
95.0%+ $5,000.00

Available Entrance Scholarships

Apply for King’s scholarships and/or bursaries.

OR use filter:
NameValue (up to)# of AwardsTypeApplication
Agnes Marie Coleman Student Award$2,500.001EntranceYes
Bill and Hazel Payne Award$3,700.001EntranceYes
Bishop John Michael Sherlock Catholic Leadership Award$4,000.001EntranceYes
CAAT Entrance Scholarship$2,500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
Cardinal Thomas C. Collins Scholarship for Catholic Student Leadership$5,000.001EntranceYes
Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario Entrance Awards$500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
CEGEP Entrance Scholarships$3,500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
Charity of Hope Entrance Award$1,000.001EntranceYes
Emmett and Loretta Regan Memorial Award$4,500.002EntranceYes
Entrance Bursary$750.00UnlimitedEntranceYes
Entrance Scholarships for University Transfer Students$2,500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
Foyston, Gordon & Payne Award$1,500.002EntranceYes
Gerald Killan Regis Entrance Scholarship$5,000.001EntranceNo
High School Entrance Scholarships$3,500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
International High School Entrance Scholarships$5,000.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
Joy and Hope (Gaudium et Spes) Entrance Award for Indigenous Students$1,000.001EntranceYes
King's Academic Athletic Scholarships$3,000.006EntranceYes
King's Entrance Award for Students New to Canada$1,000.004EntranceYes
King's Entrance Scholarship - Arts and Humanities$4,500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
King's Mathematics Excellence Entrance Scholarship$500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
Maple Leaf High School Student Leadership Entrance Scholarships$2,500.002EntranceYes
Ontario Catholic School Boards Awards for Academic Achievement$250.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
President’s Regis Entrance Scholarship$5,000.004EntranceNo
President’s Regis Entrance Scholarship for International Students$5,000.004EntranceNo
Sisters of St. Joseph Scholarship$5,000.001EntranceYes
Social Justice and Peace Scholarship$3,500.002EntranceYes
Specialist High Skills Major Entrance Awards$2,000.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
The Boys' and Girls' Club of London Foundation Entrance Award$2,000.002EntranceYes
The Ontario Catholic Directors' of Education Entrance Scholarship for Outstanding Students in the King's Catholic Studies for Teachers Program$5,000.001EntranceNo