Entrance Scholarships
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King’s offers generous unlimited and guaranteed Entrance Scholarships for domestic and international high school students. The scholarship will be based on your final, overall high school average as calculated for admission.
High School Entrance Scholarships
Grade Range |
Scholarship Amount |
82.0 – 84.9% | $1,500.00 |
85.0 - 89.9% | $2,500.00 |
90.0 – 94.9% | $3,000.00 |
95.0%+ | $3,500.00 |
Entrance Scholarships for Arts & Humanities
Grade Range |
Scholarship Amount |
82.0 – 84.9% | $3,000.00 |
85.0 - 87.9% | $3,500.00 |
88.0 – 89.9% | $4,000.00 |
90.0%+ | $4,500.00 |
International High School Entrance Scholarships
Grade Range |
Scholarship Amount |
82.0 – 84.9% | $2,500.00 |
85.0 - 89.9% | $3,500.00 |
90.0 – 94.9% | $4,000.00 |
95.0%+ | $5,000.00 |
Available Entrance Scholarships
Apply for King’s scholarships and/or bursaries.
Name | Value (up to) | # of Awards | Type | Application |
Agnes Marie Coleman Student Award | $2,500.00 | 1 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 This entrance award is made possible by the generosity of a bequest from Mrs. Agnes Coleman. The award is granted to a graduate of St. Mary’s in West Lorne. If no student who graduated from St. Mary’s applies, a student who is from the Municipalities of West Elgin and Dutton/Dunwich may be eligible to apply. The student must meet the King’s University College entrance requirements, and must demonstrate financial need. In first year, the award may be held concurrently with other King’s entrance scholarships. Award CriteriaThe award is granted to a graduate of St. Mary’s in West Lorne. If no student who graduated from St. Mary’s applies, a student who is from the Municipalities of West Elgin and Dutton/Dunwich may be eligible to apply.; The student must meet the King’s University College entrance requirements.; Must demonstrate financial need.; In first year, the award may be held concurrently with other King’s entrance scholarships.; The applicant must be an Ontario Resident, as specified by the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).; The applicant must be a Canadian citizen, a Permanent Resident, or a Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada). | ||||
Bill and Hazel Payne Award | $3,700.00 | 1 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 The Bill and Hazel Payne Student Award is granted to a first year student who is a graduate of a London and District Catholic School Board High School. Applicants must demonstrate that they have lived their lives in a manner that reflects the teachings of the Catholic Church. Applicants should demonstrate the qualities of sincerity, credibility and dependability. They should be able to demonstrate that they work hard to succeed academically, are innovative, and are persistent in attempting to produce practical solutions. Applicants should demonstrate financial need. The recipient, if eligible, may hold this award concurrently with a King's University College Entrance Scholarship. Terms of the entrance scholarship apply. Award CriteriaGranted to a first year student who is a graduate of a London and District Catholic School Board High School.; Applicants must demonstrate that they have lived their lives in a manner that reflects the teachings of the Catholic Church.; Applicants should demonstrate the qualities of sincerity, credibility and dependability.; They should be able to demonstrate that they work hard to succeed academically, are innovative, and are persistent in attempting to produce practical solutions.; Applicants should demonstrate financial need.; The recipient, if eligible, may hold this award concurrently with a King's University College Entrance Scholarship.; Terms of the entrance scholarship apply.; The applicant must be an Ontario Resident, as specified by the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).; The applicant must be a Canadian citizen, a Permanent Resident, or a Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada). | ||||
Bishop John Michael Sherlock Catholic Leadership Award | $4,000.00 | 1 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 This scholarship of $4,000.00 is granted to a full-time first year student (whether a high school, mature and transfer student) who is a member of a parish within the Diocese of London and whose financial situation makes the pursuit of a university education unusually difficult. This award is intended to encourage the education of those with the potential to make a positive contribution to the Catholic community and to the common good of society. Candidates must demonstrate large financial need, meet the minimum academic entrance requirements and provide a pastor letter of reference. If the student remains registered full-time, maintains a minimum average of 70%, demonstrates continued involvement in a parish and includes one credit in Catholic Studies, or Religious Studies with a Catholic theme, within his or her degree credits, a scholarship of $3000.00 is renewable for Year 2, 3 and 4. The Bishop Sherlock may not be held concurrently with another King’s Entrance Scholarship or King’s Continuing Scholarship. This award may not be granted each year. Award CriteriaGranted to a full-time first year student (whether a high school, mature and transfer student)who is a member of a parish within the Diocese of London and whose financial situation makes the pursuit of an university education unusually difficult; This award is intended to encourage the education of those with the potential to make a positive contribution to the Catholic community and to the common good of society; Candidates must demonstrate large financial need, meet the minimum academic entrance requirements and provide a pastor letter of reference; If the student remains registered full-time, maintains a minimum average of 70%, demonstrates continued involvement in a parish and includes one credit in Catholic Studies within his or her degree credits, a scholarship of $3000.00 is renewable for Year 2, 3 and 4; The Bishop Sherlock may not be held concurrently with another King’s Entrance Scholarship or King’s Continuing Scholarship; This award may not be granted each year | ||||
CAAT Entrance Scholarship | $2,500.00 | Unlimited | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required Effective starting the 2017-2018 academic year: King's University College offers an unlimited number of C.A.A.T Entrance Scholarships to qualified applicants. Students who achieve a final average of 80.0%-81.9% will be offered a scholarship of $1,000; a final average of 82.0%-84.9% will be offered a scholarship of $1500.00; a final average of 85.0% - 89.9% will be offered a scholarship of $2000.00 and students who achieve a final average of 90.0% or above will receive a scholarship of $2500.00. Students must remain registered in four courses. Award CriteriaA final average of 80.0-81.9% will be offered a scholarship of $1000.00; A final average of 82.0%-84.9% will be offered a scholarship of $1500.00; A final average of 85.0% - 89.9% will be offered a scholarship of $2000.00; A final average of 90.0% or above will receive a scholarship of $2500.00; A student who withdraws from the College will not receive a refund for that part of tuition fees paid by scholarship monies | ||||
Cardinal Thomas C. Collins Scholarship for Catholic Student Leadership | $5,000.00 | 1 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 In recognition of Cardinal Collins’ commitment to youth and his contribution to Catholic leadership, King’s University College offers this $5000.00 entrance scholarship to a student who is an active student leader in his/her parish and/or high school in a Catholic diocese within Ontario outside of the Diocese of London. The successful applicant must achieve an admission average of 80% or greater. This scholarship is intended to foster Catholic leadership in education and the wider community. This award may not be held concurrently with another King’s University College scholarship or award. Terms of an entrance scholarship apply. Award CriteriaA student who is an active student leader in his/her parish and/or high school in a diocese within Ontario outside of the Diocese of London.; The successful applicant must achieve an admission average of 80% or greater.; This award may not be held concurrently with another King’s University College scholarship or award.; Terms of an entrance scholarship apply. | ||||
Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario Entrance Awards | $500.00 | Unlimited | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required King’s University College offers entrance awards of $500 to be awarded to each recipient of The Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario Student Awards who applies and registers at King’s. The students who receive awards from the Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario are recognized for their academic achievement as well as their significant contributions to their school, parish and community. In support of the Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario, King’s wishes to recognize these exceptional students and encourage them to join King’s for their university studies. Award CriteriaAwarded to each recipient of The Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario Student Awards who applies and registers at King’s. | ||||
CEGEP Entrance Scholarships | $3,500.00 | Unlimited | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required King’s University College offers an unlimited number of CEGEP entrance scholarships to qualified applicants from a CEGEP program. All students who achieve a final high school average of 82.0-84.99% will be offered a scholarship of $1500.00; a final high school average of 85.0%-89.9% will be offered a scholarship of $2000.00; a final high school average of 90.0% - 94.9% will be offered a scholarship of $3000.00 and students who achieve a final high school average of 95.0% or above will receive a scholarship of $3500.00. Student must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents and must remain registered in four courses. Award CriteriaStudent must be Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents and must remain registered in four courses.; Students entering King's from a CEGEP program. | ||||
Charity of Hope Entrance Award | $1,000.00 | 1 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 This award is made possible by the generosity of the Charity of Hope, is granted to a full-time, first-year student who is entering King’s directly from a high-school in the Hamilton and surrounding area. The student must demonstrate financial need. The successful candidate will have demonstrated compassion and support for others. Each candidate must submit a short paragraph of not more than 250 words outlining how they show compassion and support for others. The name(s) of a reference (teacher/peer/etc.) that would support their contributions to showing compassion and supporting others. The successful recipient may hold this award with other student awards. Award CriteriaThis award is made possible by the generosity of the Charity of Hope, is granted to a full-time, first-year student who is entering King’s directly from a high-school in the Hamilton and surrounding area.; The student must demonstrate financial need.; The successful candidate will have demonstrated compassion and support for others. | ||||
Emmett and Loretta Regan Memorial Award | $4,500.00 | 2 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 This entrance award made possible by the generosity of the family of Emmett and Loretta Regan, is granted to the first year student at King's University College who is a graduate of an Ontario School Board with an interest in pursuing a career in education and social service. Demonstrated leadership skills, volunteer service, commitment to the community and a love of music may be attributes of the successful candidate. In first year, the award may not be held concurrently with other King’s entrance scholarships. Award CriteriaGranted to the first year student at King's University College who is a graduate of an Ontario School Board with an interest in pursuing a career in education and social service. Demonstrated leadership skills, volunteer service, commitment to the community and a love of music may be attributes of the successful candidate.; In first year, the award may not be held concurrently with other King’s entrance scholarships.; The applicant must be an Ontario Resident, as specified by the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).; Students qualify on the basis of financial need.; The applicant must be a Canadian citizen, a Permanent Resident, or a Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada). | ||||
Entrance Bursary | $750.00 | Unlimited | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Jul 31, 2025 Entrance Bursaries are awarded to full-time, first-year students who are entering King's directly from high school. Students must have applied and qualified for a needs based Canadian government funded student aid program such as OSAP, have ministry unmet need and have been offered admission by King's University College. The number of bursaries awarded varies from year to year. Award CriteriaAwarded to full-time, first-year students who are entering King's directly from high school.; Students must have applied and qualified for a needs based Canadian government funded student aid program such as OSAP and, have ministry unmet need.; Have been offered admission by King's University College. | ||||
Entrance Scholarships for University Transfer Students | $2,500.00 | Unlimited | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required Effective starting the 2022-2023 academic year: King's University College offers an unlimited number of Entrance Scholarships to qualified university transfer applicants. The recipients are required to meet the criteria of King’s Entrance Scholarships. All scholarship recipients must satisfy the published admission criteria and remain registered in four courses. The value of the scholarship is determined on the final admissions average. Canadian students who achieve a final average of 80.0%-84.9% will be offered a scholarship of $1,500; a final average of 85.0%-89.9% will be offered a scholarship of $2000.00; a final average of 90%+ will be offered a scholarship of $2500.00. International students who achieve a final average of 80.0%-84.9% will be offered a scholarship of $2000; a final average of 85.0%-89.9% will be offered a scholarship of $3000.00; a final average of 90%+ will be offered a scholarship of $4000.00. Award CriteriaCanadian students who achieve a final average of 80.0%-84.9% will be offered a scholarship of $1,500; a final average of 85.0%-89.9% will be offered a scholarship of $2000.00; a final average of 90%+ will be offered a scholarship of $2500.00.; International students who achieve a final average of 80.0%-84.9% will be offered a scholarship of $2000; a final average of 85.0%-89.9% will be offered a scholarship of $3000.00; a final average of 90%+ will be offered a scholarship of $4000.00.; A student who withdraws from the College will not receive a refund for that part of tuition fees paid by scholarship monies.; The recipients are required to meet the criteria of King’s Entrance Scholarships. | ||||
Foyston, Gordon & Payne Award | $1,500.00 | 2 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 This award is made possible due to the generosity of Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. It was established to support and enable access to education for the next generation of leaders interested in pursuing a career in the financial industry. This award will be granted to international or domestic, full-time or part-time students entering King’s with an average of at least 82%. Students must be registered in the BMOS program. Preference will be given to those who identify as female, or Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit or Métis), and those entering directly from a public high school in a small town. The successful recipients will have made significant contributions to their local community or high school through volunteer work and/or noteworthy extracurricular activity. Preference will be given to students who have finance-based volunteer or leadership experience. The successful recipients may hold this award with other student awards. Award CriteriaThis award will be granted to international or domestic, full-time or part-time students entering King’s with an average of at least 82%. Students must be registered in the BMOS program. Preference will be given to those who identify as female, or Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit or Métis), and those entering directly from a public high school in a small town. The successful recipients will have made significant contributions to their local community or high school through volunteer work and/or noteworthy extracurricular activity. Preference will be given to students who have finance-based volunteer or leadership experience. | ||||
Gerald Killan Regis Entrance Scholarship | $5,000.00 | 1 | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required The first year undergraduate student with the highest admissions average will be offered a scholarship of $5000.00. The student must be registered full time. If the student maintains a minimum average of 85% each year and remains registered full-time, the scholarship is renewable at $4000.00 for Years 2, 3 and 4. The Scholarship may not be held concurrently with another King’s Entrance Scholarship or King’s Continuing Scholarship. These eligibility requirements will be confirmed in November each year at which time the scholarship is credited to the student’s tuition account. A student who withdraws from King’s will not receive a refund for that part of tuition fees paid by scholarship monies. This scholarship may be held to a maximum of 4.0 years. Award CriteriaFirst year undergraduate student with the highest admissions average will be offered a scholarship of $5000.00.; The student must be registered full-time.; If the student maintains a minimum average of 85% each year and remains registered full-time, the scholarships is renewable at $4000.00 for Years 2, 3 and 4.; The Scholarship may not be help concurrently with another King's Entrance or King's Continuing Scholarship.; The scholarship may be held to a maximum of 4.0 years. | ||||
High School Entrance Scholarships | $3,500.00 | Unlimited | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required King’s University College offers an unlimited number of entrance scholarships to qualified high school applicants. All students who achieve a final high school average of 82.0-84.9% will be offered a scholarship of $1500.00; a final high school average of 85.0%-89.9% will be offered a scholarship of $2500.00; a final high school average of 90.0% - 94.9% will be offered a scholarship of $3000.00 and students who achieve a final high school average of 95.0% or above will receive a scholarship of $3500.00. All scholarship recipients must: satisfy the published admission criteria and remain registered in four courses. These eligibility requirements will be confirmed after enrolment at which time the scholarship will be credited to the student account. A student who withdraws from the College may have his/her scholarship retracted or pro-rated depending on the date of withdrawal. Home-schooled applicants are not eligible for Entrance Scholarships. For students in receipt of Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) funding, King's will report the full value of this award to OSAP directly. Award CriteriaAll students who achieve a final high school average of 82.0-84.9% will be offered a scholarship of $1500.00; a final high school average of 85.0%-89.9% will be offered a scholarship of $2500.00; a final high school average of 90.0% - 94.9% will be offered a scholarship of $3000.00 and students who achieve a final high school average of 95.0% or above will receive a scholarship of $3500.00; All scholarship recipients must: satisfy the published admission criteria and remain registered in four courses; A student who withdraws from the College will not receive a refund for that part of tuition fees paid by scholarship monies. | ||||
International High School Entrance Scholarships | $5,000.00 | Unlimited | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required King’s University College offers an unlimited number of entrance scholarships to qualified international undergraduate applicants. All students who achieve a final high school average of 82.0-84.9% will be offered a scholarship of $2500.00; a final high school average of 85.0%-89.9% will be offered a scholarship of $3500.00; a final high school average of 90.0% - 94.9% will be offered a scholarship of $4000.00 and students who achieve a final high school average of 95.0% or above will receive a scholarship of $5000.00. All scholarship recipients must: satisfy the published admission criteria and remain registered in four courses. These eligibility requirements will be confirmed by early November at which time the scholarship will be credited to the student. A student who withdraws from the College will not receive a refund for that part of tuition fees paid by scholarship monies. Home-schooled applicants are not eligible for Entrance Scholarships. Award CriteriaAll students who achieve a final high school average of 82.0-84.9% will be offered a scholarship of $2500.00; a final high school average of 85.0%-89.9% will be offered a scholarship of $3500.00; a final high school average of 90.0% - 94.9% will be offered a scholarship of $4000.00 and students who achieve a final high school average of 95.0% or above will receive a scholarship of $5000.00; All scholarship recipients must: satisfy the published admission criteria and remain registered in four courses; ; A student who withdraws from the College will not receive a refund for that part of tuition fees paid by scholarship monies. | ||||
Joy and Hope (Gaudium et Spes) Entrance Award for Indigenous Students | $1,000.00 | 1 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 This award, made possible by the generosity of the Diocese of London, was established in 2013 to inspire change in Aboriginal communities in Canada. Its purpose is to instill confidence of a bright future for indigenous youth, so that they may discover richness in their lives and contribute meaningfully to their community, in joy and in hope. Gaudium et Spes (Joy and Hope) was one of the last documents published at the Vatican Council II. The name of the document is taken from the first line which reads: "the joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men of this age, especially those who are poor or in any way afflicted, these are the joys and hopes, the griefs and anxieties of the followers of Christ." This award is granted annually to a First Nations, Inuit or Métis student entering full-time or part-time study at King's University College in the next academic year. Award CriteriaAward is granted annually to a First Nations, Inuit or Metis student entering full-time or part-time study at King's University College in the next academic year; The successful recipient may hold this award with other student awards | ||||
King's Academic Athletic Scholarships | $3,000.00 | 6 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Aug 31, 2025 To be eligible to receive this scholarship, a student must register as a full-time student at King's, have an average of 80% and be a Western Varsity athlete. A total of six scholarships (three for female athletes and three for male athletes) with a value of $3000.00 will be granted each year. The scholarship is renewable if the student is registered full-time at King's, retains a minimum average of 75% and remains active in a Western Varsity athletic program. This scholarship may be held with a King's Entrance or Continuing Scholarship to a maximum amount of $5000.00. According to OUA regulations, the maximum that an eligible student-athlete can receive in Athletic Financial Awards/scholarships is $4,500.00 annually. The amount offered may be less, but it cannot exceed $4,500.00. New recipients and renewal of the scholarship are determined in October each year. Award CriteriaA student must register as a full-time student at King's, have an average of 80% and be a Western Varsity athlete.; A total of six scholarships (three for female athletes and three for male athletes) with a value of $3000.00 will be granted each year.; The scholarship is renewable if the student is registered full-time at King's, retains a minimum average of 75 % and remains active in a Western Varsity athletic program.; This scholarship may be held with a King's Entrance or Continuing Scholarship to a maximum amount of $5000.00.; This Scholarship may be held with a Western Athletic Scholarship up to a maximum amount of $4,500.00 | ||||
King's Entrance Award for Students New to Canada | $1,000.00 | 4 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 As part of the London Multiculturalism Community Association Scholarship Program, the King’s Entrance Scholarship for Students New to Canada is granted to 1st-year King’s students who are graduates of London high schools and who have immigrated to Canada in the past three years. Applicants must have a minimum of 80% as well as having participated in extracurricular or volunteer activities as indicated by reference or statement letter. Applicants must also demonstrate financial need. The recipients may hold this award concurrently with a King’s University College Entrance Scholarship. Terms of the Entrance Scholarship apply. Award Criteria1st-year King’s students who are graduates of London high schools and who have immigrated to Canada in the past three years; Applicants must have a minimum of 80% as well as having participated in extracurricular or volunteer activities as indicated by reference or statement letter; Applicants must also demonstrate financial need. | ||||
King's Entrance Scholarship - Arts and Humanities | $4,500.00 | Unlimited | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required King's students entering first year and enrolled in the Arts and Humanities. Students must be registered in a minimum of two courses in the Arts and Humanities. Students will be eligible for a scholarship of $3,000.00 if they possess a final admissions average of 82-84.9%, $3,500.00 if they possess a final admissions average of 85.0-87.9%, $4,000 if they possess a final admissions average of 88.0-89.9%, and $4,500 for students who possess a final admissions average of 90.0% or higher. This scholarship cannot be held with another King's Entrance Scholarship. Award CriteriaEntering first year and enrolled in the Arts and Humanities. Students must be registered in a minimum of two courses in the Arts and Humanities; Students will be eligible for a scholarship of $3,000.00 if they possess a final admissions average of 82-84.5%, $3,500.00 if they possess a final admissions average of 85.0-87.9%, $4,000 if they possess a final admissions average of 88.0-88.9%, and $4,500 for students who possess a final admissions average of 90.0% or higher; This scholarship cannot be held with another King's Entrance Scholarship; A student who withdraws from the College will not receive a refund for that part of tuition fees paid by scholarship monies. | ||||
King's Mathematics Excellence Entrance Scholarship | $500.00 | Unlimited | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required King’s University College offers an unlimited number of Mathematical Excellence Entrance Scholarships to qualified Ontario high school applicants. All students who achieve a final high school mark of 85% or greater in both Calculus (MCB4U) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) AND Geometry and Discrete Math (MGA4U) or Advanced Functions (MHF4U) will be offered a scholarship of $500.00. This scholarship will be granted in addition to any other scholarships offered by King’s. All scholarship recipients must: satisfy the published admission criteria and remain registered in four courses and must include a full course equivalent in first year mathematics (including mathematics, calculus, linear algebra and/or statistics) at King’s. These eligibility requirements will be confirmed by early November at which time the scholarship will be credited to the student. A student who withdraws from the College will not receive a refund for that part of tuition fees paid by scholarship monies. Applicants must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident. Award CriteriaOffer to qualified Ontario high school applicants.; All students who achieve a final high school mark of 85% or greater in both Calculus (MCB4U) or Calculus and Vectors (MCV4U) AND Geometry and Discrete Math (MGA4U) or Advanced Functions (MHF4U).; This scholarship will be granted in addition to any other scholarships offered by King’s.; All scholarship recipients must: satisfy the published admission criteria and remain registered in four courses and must include a full course equivalent in first year mathematics (including mathematics, calculus, linear algebra and/or statistics) at King’s.; Applicants must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident. | ||||
Maple Leaf High School Student Leadership Entrance Scholarships | $2,500.00 | 2 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 This Entrance Scholarship recognizes the academic achievement and outstanding leadership activities of a student graduating from a Maple Leaf High School who is interested in pursuing a university education in Canada. Students must have a minimum final admissions average of 80%. New for 2019-2020 academic year. Award CriteriaRecognizes the academic achievement and outstanding leadership activities of a student graduating from a Maple Leaf High School who is interested in pursuing a university education in Canada.; Students must have a minimum final admissions average of 80%. | ||||
Ontario Catholic School Boards Awards for Academic Achievement | $250.00 | Unlimited | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required King’s University College offers entrance awards of $250 to be awarded to the graduate of each Ontario Catholic high school who possesses the highest entrance average from their respective high school. The recipient must possess the admissions average which entitles them to a King’s entrance scholarship and may hold this award with other King’s entrance scholarships. These entrance awards are created to honour the Ontario Catholic School Boards as valued members of the King’s Catholic Educational Partnership Group, as well as recognize the academic achievement of high achieving Catholic high school students. Award CriteriaAwarded to the graduate of each Ontario Catholic high school who possesses the highest entrance average from their respective high school.; The recipient must possess the admissions average which entitles them to a King’s entrance scholarship.; May hold this award with other King’s entrance scholarships. | ||||
President’s Regis Entrance Scholarship | $5,000.00 | 4 | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required Undergraduate students with the highest admissions averages will be offered $5000.00 (renewable at $4000.00 if 85% average is maintained and students with averages of 80% - 84.9% will be eligible for the Continuing Scholarship). All scholarship recipients must: satisfy the published admission criteria and remain registered in four courses. These eligibility requirements will be confirmed by early November at which time the scholarship will be credited to the student. A student who withdraws from the College will not receive a refund for that part of tuition fees paid by scholarship monies. Student may not hold a Continuing Scholarship and the Principal's Regis concurrently. May be held to a maximum of 4.0 years. Award CriteriaUndergraduate students with the highest admissions averages will be offered $5000.00 (renewable at $4000.00 if 85% average is maintained and students with averages of 80% - 84.9% will be eligible for the Continuing Scholarship).; All scholarship recipients must: satisfy the published admission criteria and remain registered in four courses.; These eligibility requirements will be confirmed by early November at which time the scholarship will be credited to the student; A student who withdraws from the College will not receive a refund for that part of tuition fees paid by scholarship monies.; Student may not hold a Continuing Scholarship and the Principal's Regis concurrently.; May be held to a maximum of 4.0 years.; | ||||
President’s Regis Entrance Scholarship for International Students | $5,000.00 | 4 | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required International undergraduate students with the highest admissions averages will be offered $5000.00 (renewable at $4000.00 if 85% average is maintained and students with averages of 80% - 84.9% will be eligible for the Continuing Scholarship). All scholarship recipients must: satisfy the published admission criteria and remain registered in four courses. These eligibility requirements will be confirmed by early November at which time the scholarship will be credited to the student. A student who withdraws from the College will not receive a refund for that part of tuition fees paid by scholarship monies. Student may not hold a Continuing Scholarship and the Principal's Regis concurrently. May be held to a maximum of 4.0 years. Award CriteriaInternational undergraduate students with the highest admissions averages will be offered $5000.00 (renewable at $4000.00 if 85% average is maintained and students with averages of 80% - 84.9% will be eligible for the Continuing Scholarship).; All scholarship recipients must: satisfy the published admission criteria and remain registered in four courses.; These eligibility requirements will be confirmed by early November at which time the scholarship will be credited to the student.; A student who withdraws from the College will not receive a refund for that part of tuition fees paid by scholarship monies.; Student may not hold a Continuing Scholarship and the Principal's Regis concurrently. May be held to a maximum of 4.0 years. | ||||
Sisters of St. Joseph Scholarship | $5,000.00 | 1 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 This Entrance Scholarship recognizes the outstanding work of the Sisters of St. Joseph and has been endowed by the St. Joseph's Health Centre, the London District Catholic School Board, the Monsignor Feeney Foundation and the King's College Foundation to ensure that this tribute continues in perpetuity. The scholarship will be awarded by a selection committee to a graduate of the London District Catholic School Board who enrolls as a full-time student at King's. Applicants must have an admissions average of at least 80% and a strong history of volunteer service in health, education, social service or pastoral ministry. The recipient will be expected to continue to volunteer in one of these areas. References will be required from the applicant's teachers or counsellors and the agency, school or parish where the student volunteered. Candidates must submit a written statement explaining why they believe they are deserving of the scholarship. Interviews may be required. The recipient will be welcome to meet informally with the Sisters of St. Joseph in the fall term. Students may be eligible for the "King's Continuing Scholarship" in subsequent years. Award CriteriaAwarded by a selection committee to a graduate of the London District Catholic School Board who enrolls as a full-time student at King's.; Applicants must have an admissions average of at least 80% and a strong history of volunteer service in health, education, social service or pastoral ministry.; The recipient will be expected to continue to volunteer in one of these areas. References will be required from the applicant's teachers or counsellors and the agency, school or parish where the student volunteered.; Candidates must submit a written statement explaining why they believe they are deserving of the scholarship. Interviews may be required.; The recipient will be welcome to meet informally with the Sisters of St. Joseph in the fall term.; Students must registered full-time or equivalent, four of which must be at King's in the first year.; Students must registered full-time or equivalent in subsequent years, of which a minimum of three must be at King's.; This scholarship may not be held with the King's Entrance Scholarship. | ||||
Social Justice and Peace Scholarship | $3,500.00 | 2 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 These scholarships shall be awarded to highly engaged students entering Year One studies at King's University College who have a strong interest in community or global justice as well as a deep commitment to academic excellence. These scholarships recognize students who are willing to take on a active role in social justice and/or peace oriented activities, both at King’s and in the broader community. Candidates will be expected to submit three letters of reference, a portfolio of past social justice and/or peace oriented activities and a 750 word essay describing his/her interest in a particular cause or issue and his/her vision for change. Terms of King’s Entrance Scholarship apply. The scholarship may not be held concurrently with a King’s Entrance Scholarship and is not renewable. Award CriteriaThese scholarships shall be awarded to highly engaged students entering Year One studies at King's University College who have a strong interest in community or global justice as well as deep a commitment to academic excellence.; These scholarships recognize students who are willing to take on a active role in social justice and/or peace oriented activities, both at King’s and in the broader community.; The candidate must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident.; Terms of King’s Entrance Scholarship apply.; The scholarship may not be held concurrently with a King’s Entrance Scholarship and is not renewable. | ||||
Specialist High Skills Major Entrance Awards | $2,000.00 | Unlimited | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required King’s University College offers entrance awards of $2000 to be awarded to each student who registers at King’s who has successfully completed a specialist high skills major in one of the following areas: Arts and Culture; Business; Environment; Health and Wellness; Justice and Community Safety and Non-Profit/Social Justice, Sports Major during their high school studies. Limited to Ontario High School Applicants only. Award CriteriaAwarded to each student who registers at King’s who has successfully completed a specialist high skills major in one of the following areas: Arts and Culture; Business; Environment; Health and Wellness; Justice and Community Safety and Non-Profit/Social Justice, Sports Major during their high school studies; Limited to Ontario High School Applicants only. | ||||
The Boys' and Girls' Club of London Foundation Entrance Award | $2,000.00 | 2 | Entrance | Yes |
Applications Accepted: Jan 01, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025 This award, made possible by the generosity of the Boys' and Girls' club of London Foundation, was established in 2009 to support those who have been participants in My Action Plan (M.A.P.) The Award is open to one or more students who have been accepted as students at King's University College and have been involved with the Boys' and Girls' Club and/or another community organization. The successful recipient would be required to volunteer with the Boys' and Club of London. The student(s) must demonstrate financial need. Award CriteriaOpen to one or more students who have been accepted as students at King's University College.; Involved with the Boys' and Girls' Club and/or another community organization.; The student(s) must demonstrate financial need.; The applicant must be an Ontario Resident, as specified by the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).; The applicant must be a Canadian citizen, a Permanent Resident, or a Protected Person under subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada). | ||||
The Ontario Catholic Directors' of Education Entrance Scholarship for Outstanding Students in the King's Catholic Studies for Teachers Program | $5,000.00 | 1 | Entrance | No |
Applications Accepted: No Application Required This scholarship, valued at $5,000.00 will be awarded upon the recommendation of the directors of education of school boards and will be presented to up to seven students each year. This scholarship cannot be held with another King's Entrance Scholarship. Award CriteriaAwarded upon the recommendation of the directors of education of school boards and will be presented to up to seven students each year.; This scholarship cannot be held with another King's Entrance Scholarship. |