Wemple Hall

- 2 floors with 30-40 residents per floor
- 2 washroom areas per floor
- laundry room, lounge, kitchenette and study room on each floor
- the residence dining room is on the lower level of Wemple Hall

Frequently Asked Questions
Packing Checklist
- Bed linens / sheets, blankets, comforter or duvet, pillows*
- Towels
- Carry case for toiletries
- CSA surge protected power bar(s)
- Hangers
- "Hold It" poster putty, 3M removable hooks
- Laundry supplies, and laundry bag or basket
- Mugs, glasses, plate, bowl, flatware
- Photos of friends, family, pets
- Plastic storage bins for under bed (if extra storage is needed)
- Pot or pan (for cooking in the kitchenette)
- School supplies
- Shower shoes
- Snacks
- Illness supplies: medications, tissues, soup, etc.
- Water pitcher/bottle
- Photo ID, SIN card, OHIP card, banking information (bank transit information)
*Students arriving from outside Canada can opt to rent linen , or borrow linen for a short period of time
Things to Leave at Home
For your safety, and the safety and well-being of others, leave the following items at home:
- Air horns
- Alcohol and cannabis, if you are under 19
- Bar bells
- Bottled beer (cans are okay to bring if you are 19+)
- Candles, incense, hookahs
- Drinking game tables and equipment
- Drug and alcohol paraphernalia (funnels, bongs, etc.)
- Drums
- Extra furniture
- Freezers and large fridges (fridges 4.0 cubic feet or smaller are fine)
- Glow in the dark stickers and paint
- Large volume alcohol containers (kegs, mini-kegs, Texas Mickies, etc.)
- Marital arts equipment, decorative, collector or replicas items
- Microwaves, toasters, toaster oven, open element appliances, indoor grills
- Pets (including fish)
- Sound systems with amplifiers, sub-woofers, large speakers, or surround sound
- Space heaters
- Sports weapons/guns (including BB guns, pellet, air guns, and paintball guns)
- Street signs
- TV screens 42’ inches and larger (smaller TVs are okay to bring)
- Valuable jewelry
Residents in traditional buildings have a choice of three meal plans. Meal Plans can be used at the 3 food service locations at King’s, and a portion of each plan can be used at our Off-Campus partners
King’s Locations
- Thames Market, Wemple Building
- Subway, Wemple Building
- Café ’54, King Student Life Centre
Off-Campus Partners
- Pizza Pizza
- Swiss Chalet
- Mucho Burrito
- Barakat
Students may remain in residence during fall and winter study breaks. Limited food service is available in designated residence dining locations during these breaks.
Residents can request to stay in residence over for all or part of the Christmas break. A fee of $25 per night is applied. Students who wish to stay for the Christmas holiday must register with the Residence and Campus Life Office by December 1.
Exam Periods
All residents are expected to leave within 24 hours of their last exam in the regularly scheduled December and April exam periods. You may request permission from the Residence and Campus Life Office to stay later than 24 hours after your last exam. Send your request to residence@kings.uwo.ca. Requests must be received prior to the first day of exams.
Your address at King's is:
King’s University College Residence
Box # [your box number] 266 Epworth Ave.
London, ON N6A 2M3
You and your roommate will share a mailbox. You will each have a key to it. The mailboxes are located in Central Services in Wemple, beside the dining hall.
We want all students to feel safe and comfortable on campus and a number of policies are in place to create a safe and welcoming community. [all the below should link to current documents]
- Rules of Residence
- Residence Agreement
- Student Code of Conduct
- Harassment and Discrimination Policy
- Sexual Violence Policy
- Accessibility Policy
Residence Courtesy Practices
Common spaces (lounges, kitchenettes, washrooms, hallways) are for everyone’s use. Do not leave personal items in any of these areas.
Take a moment to clean up any area you have used (ie. put your garbage in the bin before leaving the lounge, do your dishes and wipe off the counter and stove top when you are finished cooking, etc.). Do not leave personal hygiene products (shampoo, soap, towels) in the washrooms.
Social Gatherings
For the safety and security of all residents and guests, the Residence and Campus Life Office has put in place the following guidelines around social gatherings:
Strictly Prohibited:
- "Public" invitations to unit lounges for party purposes (event posters, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
- Hallway parties/or drink crawls
- Lounge parties/ gatherings after 10 p.m. Sunday – Wednesday
- Lounge parties/ gatherings after 11 p.m. on Thursdays
- Lounge parties gatherings after 12 a.m. on Friday and Saturday
Residence staff will disperse any gathering at any time, if there is a safety concern.
King’s Residence Staff are here to help with any issues that may arise. Each residence unit has a Residence Assistant (RA) who is there to help the residents in that area. Your RA is a great resource. They will build the unit community, plan events, inform you about residence events, share their experiences as a student, and be a listening ear.
The RAs and House Coordinators are supported by the Residence and Campus Life Office team: the Associate Dean of Students, two Residence Managers, and the office secretary.
Housekeeping and maintenance teams keep our residence buildings in great shape.
You will develop many new relationships at university, especially in residence. The relationship with your roommate will be a central one.
The cornerstone of a positive relationship with your roommate is communication. Like all relationships, your relationship with a roommate will require understanding, compromise, respect and flexibility. Getting to know your roommate and discussing important issues is a great way to build a solid foundation. Your RA will ask you and your roommate to complete a roommate agreement in September so you can talk about things that could become issues.
It is very normal for a few conflicts to arise when you live with someone for eight months. If you find that your relationship with your roommate is troubled there are several things you can do:
- Review your roommate agreement. Take another look at what you each agreed to in September.
- Talk to your roommate about the problem (your RA can offer suggestions on how to do this effectively).
- Talk to your RA.
If you and your roommate are unable to resolve the conflict on your own, your RA may be able to help mediate a solution. It is important that both roommates make an honest and sincere attempt to resolve differences. A room change will not be authorized until all the above steps have been actively pursued. The possibilities for a room change may be limited by the availability of space. Please be aware that a room change may require a move to another residence unit. While it may be a challenge to get along with your roommate, doing so may be preferable to moving to another unit.
Residents must have approval from the Residence and Campus Life Office prior to changing rooms.
You may have overnight guests if you complete a Guest Registration Form at the RID. Your roommate must sign the form to show their agreement. Overnight guests will not be permitted during Orientation Week, exam periods, the last weekend in September, Homecoming weekend, Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day, and Easter weekend. Guests are limited to no more than two consecutive nights, and no more than 10 overnight visits per year. Your guest must complete a Guest Parking Permit Form available from RID or Security to register their vehicle.
Residents are responsible for their guests at all times.