Individual Appointments with the Case Manager

Students can discuss individual issues and concerns about a range of learning skills with the Case Manager. Students can come in for a single session to address a particular problem (e.g., breaking down a big assignment into manageable tasks), or multiple sessions for more pervasive problems (e.g., procrastination) that may require substantial support for skill development.

To schedule an appointment with our Case Manager:

new students

Step #1

Complete the Registration Form.  You will be asked to log-in using your Western username and password.

Step #2

Once you have submitted your registration form, you will need to schedule your initial appointment.  You can do this one of the following ways:

  • Complete the online Appointment Request Form.  We will email your Western email with your appointment date and time.
  • Call our office at 519-930-4640
  • Stop by Wemple Room 151
returning students

If you would like to schedule a follow up appointment with the Learning Skills Strategist, you can do so one of the following ways:

If you have any questions or concerns, please email or call 519-930-4640.