To write examinations with Accessibility Services, King's University College or Examination Services at Western University, new students must have met with an Accessibility Counsellor to request accommodations for the current academic session.  Returning students must visit the Accessibility and Accommodated Exams page to request your accommodations for each of your courses.

The online process for requesting accommodated exams is the same whether your course is at King's, Western, or Huron.  If you have questions about this process please contact Accessibility, Counselling and Student Development (ACSD).  Students should log into the exam services website to confirm the location of their exam.

If you add a course you must return to the Accessibility and Accommodated Exams page to request your accommodations for your new course.

Accommodated Exam Sign Up

Please understand that you may be prohibited from writing exams with Accessibility Services King's or Examination Services at Western if you commit a scholastic offence or violate the Code of Student Conduct.