Due to space constraints, the number of parking spaces at King’s is limited.  Students are advised to carefully plan before driving to King’s and should take advantage of their LTC passes and the free shuttle service to and from the UWO main campus and Brescia. Parking on the streets adjacent to King’s is also limited and parking restrictions are strictly enforced. You'll find the parking lot map on the Campus Maps page.

Please note that King’s University College accepts no liability for theft or damage to cars in the parking lots. Ensure that your vehicle is locked and that no valuables are visible. Only cars with a special permit are allowed to park overnight on King’s property; all others will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Parking Lot Access

There are nine parking lots on the King’s University College Campus.  

  • P1 Wemple Hall: Reserved parking and pay-per-use parking after 3:00 p.m. $10/entry.
  • P2 East Lot: Student permits available for off-campus students 
  • P3 Library: Pay-per-use. $1.25/hr via Honk app
  • P4 Dante Lenardon Hall: Reserved parking.
  • P5 Meadowdown: Student parking permits available for residence and limited off-campus students.
  • P6 Broughdale Hall: Student parking permits available for off-campus students.
  • P7 St. Thomas Aquinas House: Student permits available for off-campus students and pay-per-use parking. $8/entry.
  • P9 King's Commons: Student parking permits for King's Commons residents and off-campus students
  • Epworth Condos (10 spaces): Please visit Student Financial Services to purchase parking passes.

Free street parking is available on the east side of Waterloo Street, south of Epworth Avenue; there is a time limit of two hours.

Students – Guaranteed Parking Permits

A limited number of guaranteed parking permits are available for purchase by students.  These spots will only be sold to King's students or students of another campus who live in our residences.  Please use the Parking Application button below to apply for parking. Permits are sold for lots P2-East Lot, P5-Meadowdown/Residence Lot,  P6-Broughdale Hall and P7-St. Thomas Aquinas House, on a first-come first-serve basis. If you have a transponder from a previous academic year at King's, you'll need to enter the transponder number when you complete the online application. Guaranteed parking pass applications open online July 1st (or following business day) for the upcoming Fall/Winter term. 

2024-25 Guaranteed Parking Pass Rate - $850.00 (including tax) + $40.00 transponder fee (if applicable). Passes will become available online, at the link below, at 9:00am on July 2nd, 2024. SOLD OUT

For payment and waitlist questions, please direct your inquiries to Student Financial Services Office at 519-433-3491 ext. 4319 (Wemple Room 144) or send an email to studentfinance@kings.uwo.ca.

For all other questions, please direct your inquiries to parking@kings.uwo.ca.

Parking Application

If you have paid for a pass and your assigned lot is full, ask the on-duty parking attendant to find you an alternative spot.

Overnight Accommodations

Parking overnight is not permitted between midnight and 7:00 a.m. However, overnight parking is available for Residence students at a cost of $10 per night or $40 per week. To purchase an overnight pass, please email studentfinance@kings.uwo.ca (after hours, contact Security at 519-521-6215 or security@kings.uwo.ca).

Guests and Special Events

Guests and Special Events must be reported to parking@kings.uwo.ca so that arrangements can be made to accommodate parking requests. For guest information, please fill out a guest parking request.


  • Transponders are used to access a designated King’s parking lot.
  • For employees wishing to obtain a transponder, please submit an application form.
  • Transponders are a taxable benefit. To find out the associated costs, contact the Payroll office.
  • Employees on sabbatical or away from the College indefinitely should return their transponder to avoid incurring pay deductions.
  • King's will charge a $75 replacement fee for a lost or stolen transponder.

If you choose not to drive, there are other ways to get to King's!

Other transportation options