Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP):

Students must maintain a 60% course load at all times during the study period to meet the minimum course load requirement for OSAP. Students with a permanent disability must maintain a minimum of 40% course load.

King's students applying to OSAP will need to select Western University as the institution they will be attending and select a King's program.

For information on other government assistance programs, including Part-time Canada Student Loan, visit the OSAP website at www.ontario.ca/OSAP

For information on OSAP academic progress, visit the OSAP website. 

If you have questions about the application, you are encouraged to either stop by Student Finance at King's or email us at studentfinance@kings.uwo.ca .

King's OSAP Deadline for Tuition Deferral:

For those students planning on using their OSAP funding to pay their tuition/fees for the upcoming term. Please note these are different from the below government (Ministry) application deadlines. 

Fall/Winter, September - April study period: June 30th.
Winter, January - April study period: December 1st
Summer, May - August study period: April 1st 

Ministry Deadlines:



Full Time OSAP Deadlines:
  • Applications must be submitted online or in person 60 days before the end of the students current study period.

  • Supporting documentation must be submitted 40 days before the end of the students current study period.

  • Requests for reviews must be submitted 40 days before the end of the students current study period.

  • Fall/Winter OSAP applications for King's University College students are to be submitted to the Student Financial Services office (Wemple 144). Students needing to use OSAP funding to help pay their fees must complete the application process online by June 30th and have all supporting documentation submitted by July 15th, to ensure funding is available for September. The online OSAP application is available online here.

Part Time OSAP Deadlines:
  • Periods of study up to 20 weeks

    • Applications and supporting documents must be received no later than 6 weeks (42 days) prior to the study period end date.

  • Periods of study 21 weeks or longer

    • Applications must be received no later than 60 days prior to end of study period.

    • Supporting documents must be received no later than 40 days prior to the end of the study period.


Full Time & Part Time OSAP Deadlines:

The National Student Loans Service Centre could ask you to provide:
  • Your Social Insurance Number (SIN);
  • Your loan account number
  • Your Canadian, Provincial, or Territorial Government-issued identification, such as a copy of your driver's license, passport, or other government-issued photo ID; or
  • Your financial institution information (banking)
The National Student Loans Service Centre WILL NOT ask for:
  • Your credit card number; or
  • Your username or password for your NSLSC online account

To contact the National Student Loan Service Centre, please visit https://www.csnpe-nslsc.canada.ca/en/home  Their mailing address is P.O. Box 4030, Mississauga, ON  L5A 4M4.  Their telephone number is 1-888-815-4514.