Student Ancillary Fees are automatically charged to all students based on their enrollment. For a breakdown of all ancillary fees, click here.
Students have the opportunity to opt out of the following three fees:
The Orientation Week (O-Week) fee- Orientation Week (O-Week) takes place from September 1st - September 8th, 2024. O-Week is an amazing time when the entire campus community comes together to welcome new students and celebrate the start of the fall term. Our amazing orientation leaders (sophs) provide mentorship and support to introduce you to our strong campus community. If you opt-out, you cannot participate in Orientation Week. The deadline to opt-out of Orientation Week for first year students is August 15th, 2024 and is found on your student portal (below in red).
The King's Endowment Fee - This voluntary student donation will support the acquisition, restoration and maintenance of the property and buildings known as the St. Peter’s Seminary Lands. The campus development of the land will be a long-term project, with the input of students, faculty, staff, Campus Ministry, Indigenous partners, and the broader London community. The initial phase includes dedicated athletic and recreation spaces to be utilized by King’s students. The deadline to opt-out of the King's Endowment fee is September 23rd, 2024 at 11:30pm and if found on your student portal (below in red)
USC Health and Dental Plan Fee - All full-time students are automatically charged and enrolled in the USC Health and Dental Plan. Message from University Students' Council:
From chiropractor appointments to yearly dental exams, counselling sessions and emergency travel assistance - we’ve got you covered! The USC offers eligible, full-time undergraduate students health and dental insurance, and mental health resources through our PurpleCare plan.
Unsure of how to sign up for PurpleCare? Great news - if eligible, you’re automatically assessed the premiums when you accept your offer to Western or registered for the fall semester! Coverage begins September 1 through August 31 the following year.
If you are already covered under an equivalent health plan, you can opt-out of the PurpleCare plan by visiting https://www.mystudentplan.ca/purplecare/en/home and following the instructions under “Enrollment Options”. Opt-outs open July 1, 2024 until September 23, 2024 at 11:30 p.m. ET. Extensions and late opt out are not available.
More info Health & Dental Plan FAQ
My Virtual Doctor - provides students and their dependents access to virtual health care. Members are guaranteed to be able to speak with a medical professional to address their needs and be provided the appropriate care. myvirtualdoctor offers unlimited 24/7 access anywhere in Canada. If you wish to opt-out, the form can be found online here. Opt-outs open July 1st, 2024 and the deadline to apply is September 23, 2024 at 11:30 pm.
To submit your opt-out request for the Orientation Week fee and the King's Endowment Fee, click the red button below: