Looking for a course to fulfill your Category “C” requirement?

Many of the following are courses that non-Science students take to fulfill their Category C requirement. Check your program to see whether you need a specific course (for example, most Psychology modules require Math and Stats). You must also check the prerequisites and antirequisites in the Calendar to be sure you are eligible for the course. See www.westerncalendar.uwo.ca

Most of these courses do not prepare you for senior level courses in the same subject. You can tell by reviewing the course description and the prerequisites of senior courses.

(* = no previous science background required)
Actuarial Sci 2053 Math for Financial Analysis
Actuarial Sci 2052A/B Applied Financial Mathematics
Astronomy 1021 General Astronomy
Astronomy 2021A/B Search for Life in the Universe
Astronomy 2022A/B* The Origin of the Universe
Biology 1222 General Biology
Biology 1223 Introductory Biology
Biology 1225 Intro to Biology of Organisms (Distance Studies Only)
Biology 1229F/G Nature of Biological Things
Biology 1290B Biology and Micro Organisms
Biology 2001A/B Genetics in Everyday Life
Calculus 1000A/B Calculus I
Calculus 1501A/B Calculus II for Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Calculus 1301A/B Calculus II
Chemistry 1027A/B* Chemistry in the News
Comp Sci 1026A/B * Comp Sci Fundamentals I
Comp Sci 1027A/B Comp Sci Fundamentals II
Comp Sci 1032A/B Information Systems and Design (for MOS students)
Comp Sci 1033A/B Multimedia & Communications
Earth Sci 1022A/B Earth Rocks!
Earth Sci 1023A/B Planet Earth: Shaken and Stirred
Earth Sci 1081A/B Resources, Environment & Sustainability in a Material Society
Earth Sci 1083F/G Life on Planet Earth
Earth Sci 1086F/G Origin and Geology of the Solar System (Distance Studies Only)
Earth Sci 1088F/G A Foundation for Medical and Forensic Geology
Earth Sci 1089F/G Earth, Art and Culture
Earth Sci 2123A/B The Dynamic Earth
Enviro Sci 1021F/G Environmental Issues (priority to first year students)
History of Sci 2151F/G Greek and Roman Medicine
History of Sci 2200E History of Scientific Thought
History of Sci 2220† Intro to the History of Medicine
Linear Algebra 1600A/B Linear Algebra I
Math 1228A/B Methods of Finite Mathematics
Math 1229A/B Methods of Matrix Algebra
Math 1230A/B Calculus for Social Sciences
Math 1120A/B Fundamental Concepts in Math
Philosophy 2203E†† History of Scientific Thought
Physics 1021* Conceptual Physics for Non-Scientists
Physics 1101A/B Introduction to Physics I
Physics 1102A/B Introduction to Physics II
Physics 1201A/B Physics for the Sciences I
Physics 1202A/B Physics for the Sciences II
Physics 2070A/B* Understanding Earth’s Atmosphere
Physics 2065A/B* Going Faster and Farther: The Science of the Sporting Environment
Physics 2032A/B* Physics of Music and Sound
Stat Sci 1023A/B Statistical Concepts
Stat Sci 1024A/B Intro to Stats
Stat Sci 2035 Statistics for Business & Soc.Sc.
Stat Sci 2037A/B* Statistics for Health

†  History of Science 2220 may be used as both a History course & a Category C course 
†† Philosophy 2203E may be used as either a Philosophy course or a Category C course but not both.