DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE @ KING’S meets for 1 hour on a bi-weekly basis beginning September 25 in the McDougall lounge, 149B in Wemple. We work to encourage others to act with justice on topics of climate change, water, poverty, equality and food sovereignty by educating, advocating at King’s and facilitating a High School Workshop.

Working with Development and Peace Caritas Internationalis (, the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada, our group learns together and supports one another as we strive create a more just world.

All are most welcome!

For more information or to express interest in joining, please contact Annette Donovan Panchaud at

Development and Peace is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis. Inspired by Gospel values, particularly, "the preferential option for the poor," the goals of Development and Peace are to support initiatives by people in the Global South to take control over their lives and to educate Canadians about North-South issues ( ).