
Research Seminar Series - Committing Sociology

Join us virtually for the King's Research Seminar Series:

Committing Sociology: Student Experiences of Engaging in Public Sociology

Wednesday, January 15
Zoom or DL 112
12:30 - 1:30 p.m.


Dr. Tara Bruno, Associate Professor of Sociology
Fourth-year students: Samavia Choudhary, Lilly Ferguson, Brittany Halliwell, Lily Mckenna, Cole Nelson, Anastasia Perangin-Angin, Caitlyn Ramdharry, and Tyria Vassallo

This talk will highlight the research and experiences of honours sociology and criminology students currently enrolled in a fourth-year experiential learning course entitled “Committing Sociology”. Dr. Bruno will introduce each of the student-led research projects and briefly share some of her insights as an instructor for an applied research course, including the purpose of the course, the challenges she sees, and the positive impacts of mentoring and engaging students in social issues outside of the university. Students will share some of their thoughts and experiences about student-led research and engaging in applied sociology, with a focus on the challenges they faced throughout the research process including identifying a social issue of interest, networking with stakeholders, engaging with target audiences, and developing a knowledge translation strategy. They will explore the ways in which they see their research having a meaningful impact not only for the broader society but also themselves. The session will conclude with students sharing some of the personal impacts of their research experience, including skill development, building connections, and identifying ways that experiential learning and applied sociology can help them in their futures.

This Research Seminar is free and will not be recorded. Registration is required to receive the Zoom link.