Life After King’s Mentor Program

The Life After King’s Mentor Program aims to connect alumni with students and graduates who are interested in career exploration. This service provides an informal opportunity to connect with alumni who are established in their field. These mentors are able to provide advice on a range of topics whether you are entering the workforce, or looking for insight on a career transition.

The Value of Mentorship

Mentorship offers an opportunity for students and alumni to explore potential career paths and develop their professional networks. Participants will benefit from the experience of alumni who have already encountered the same challenges that all young professionals face. Many of the skills necessary to succeed in the professional world can best be learned through practical experience; mentoring provides an ideal opportunity to develop business acumen. Regardless of your stage of career readiness, mentorship is a valuable learning experience and a proactive opportunity for discovery and exploration.

The Mentorship Process

The Alumni and Development office maintains a list of mentors and will determine a mentorship match based upon your career interests. Once a match has been determined, you will be provided with contact information so you can arrange a meeting. The program is informal and can range from one meeting over coffee to several planned meetings over a specified period of time. Students and alumni who are interested in a mentorship opportunity, or alumni who would like to serve as mentors should contact Alumni and Development at

Please complete the online form or email the following information:
  • Graduation year (if applicable) and program of study
  • Desired field/position of alumni contact
  • Current city of residence
Please complete the online form or email the following information:
  • Program of study
  • Current industry and position
  • Current city of residence
  • General range of topics you are comfortable speaking on