• Completion of first-year requirements, including: 3.0 principal courses with minimum average of 70%, and minimum grade of 60% in each: MOS 1021A/B Intro to Consumer Behavior and Human Resources and MOS 1023A/B Intro to Accounting and Finance, or Business 1220E Intro to Business, Economics 1021A/B Micro AND 1022A/B Macro, 0.5 from: Math 1230A/B or Calculus 1000A/B, 0.5 from: Math 1229A/B, or Calculus 1301A/B, Calculus 1501A/B, Math 1600A/B, and 2.0 additional 1000 level electives.  Must maintain modular and cumulative average of 60% to graduate with the 3 Year BA.

6.0 courses taken in second year at Fanshawe:  WRIT 1032/34: Reason and Writing, MGMT 3107: Meetings and Presentations – Finance, FINA 1062: Financial Planning, FINA 1053: Mutual Funds in Canada, MKTG 1012: Intro. to Marketing, MATH 1057: Math of Finance, COMM 3020: Business Communications, INSR 3014: Life and Health Insurance Planning, FINA 3032: Investment in Canada, FINA 1069 Retirement Planning 1, FINA 1069 Retirement Planning 2, FINA 1040: Consumer Credit

5.0 courses taken in third year at King’s:  ActurSci 2052A/B: Applied Financial Mathematics, Economics 2220A: Intermediate Macroeconomics I, Economics 2222A: Econometrics I, MOS 2227A/B: Intro to Financial Accounting, MOS 3310A/B: Finance for MOS, Economics 2221B: Intermediate Macroeconomics II, Economics 2223B: Econometrics II, Economics 3372A/B Intermediate Financial Economics, 1.0 Senior essay course (2000 level or above)

3.0 courses taken in fourth year (1st semester) at Fanshawe: FINA3036: Comp. Financial Planning, FINA3041: Portfolio Management, FINA5011: Trust and Estate Planning, FINA 5012: Tax Planning, MGMT3059: Strategic Client Engagement, LAWS3063: Ethics Compliance and Law

2.0 courses taken in fourth year (2nd semester) at King’s: MOS 3312B: Derivatives Securities for MOS, Economics 3370B International Finance, Economics 3385A/B Empirical Methods in Financial Economics or Economics 3386A/B: Time Series Analysis and Forecasting (1.0 credit), 0.5 Elective at or above 2000 level

Special Notes:

*Students will be permitted to progress into the second year of the Finance & Wealth Management program based on their academic performance in first year. King’s will review the academic records of all students in progress and recommend those eligible for progression to second year of the program at Fanshawe. Students will be required to maintain a minimum modular and overall average of 60% in each academic year to continue their progression within the program.

*Students who subsequently fail to meet progression or degree requirements for the Finance & Wealth Management collaborative program, but who do meet requirements for another program at any of Western’s campuses or at Fanshawe, may be permitted to transfer to another program at the discretion of the Dean of the relevant Faculty. Students who transfer to another program at Western, will not be able to utilize credit received as part of the Fanshawe diploma.