Interested in studying Psychology at King's? Visit our Future Psychology Students page to learn more.

Psychology is the scientific study of brain and behaviour.

Psychologists study the psychological, biological, and social bases of how we think, feel, and behave—and they use this knowledge to solve problems in the real world. As scientists, psychologists conduct research in many settings including universities, hospitals, government, schools, and corporations and apply the knowledge gained from research to solve personal, social, and practical problems.

The courses and research of our faculty members span the breath of Psychology. We offer courses in a wide range of areas including addictions, child development, counseling, consciousness, creativity, diversity, education, law, thinking and perceiving, mental health, personality, psychological disorders, religion, sexuality, social issues, work and organizations. Several of these courses are unique to King’s.

The Department of Psychology at King’s offers students several degree options, as well as a variety of courses in psychology for students majoring in other disciplines.

Our Honours Specialization program prepares students for graduate work in psychology and our Major and Specialization modules give students a strong background for careers or further education in a variety of areas, such as health, education, law, and business. See what a Psychology degree can do for you!

Psychology joins the world in responding with shock and outrage at the aggression and unprovoked violence in Ukraine, at the hands of Putin’s government. We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine against this war and all unjust and unprovoked acts of war.

The Department of Psychology stands in solidarity with all racialized people in our communities in calling out and condemning anti-Black racism locally and around the world.

We invite our students, colleagues, and community members to join us in continuing to learn about racism in Canada:

Student Testimonials