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NameValue (up to)# of AwardsTypeApplication
Academic Award in the Criminology Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the CYS Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the Disability Studies Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the Economics Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the English Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the French Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the History Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the Human Rights Studies Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the MOS Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the Philosophy Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the Politics and International Relations Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the Psychology Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the Religious Studies Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the SJPS Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the Social Work Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the Sociology Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Academic Award in the Thanatology Program$200.001ContinuingNo
Adam Forrester Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Agnes Marie Coleman Student Award$2,500.001EntranceYes
Al Koop Bursary$100.001ContinuingYes
Alumni Association Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Angus McKenzie Community Service Award$1,950.001ContinuingYes
Anita T. Kain Award in Modern Languages$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Aramark Canada Ltd. Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Assistive Technology Champion Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Audrey Brown Pritchard Award in English$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Barbara Spruce Memorial Award$2,000.001ContinuingYes
Bill and Hazel Payne Award$3,700.001EntranceYes
Bishop John Michael Sherlock Catholic Leadership Award$4,000.001EntranceYes
Board of Director's Gold Medal in a Four Year (Honours) Bachelor of Arts - Honours Specialization Humanities$0.001ContinuingNo
Board of Director’s Gold Medal in a Four Year (Honours) Bachelor of Arts – Honours Double Major Humanities$0.001ContinuingNo
Board of Director’s Gold Medal in a Four Year (Honours) Bachelor of Arts – Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary Programs$0.001ContinuingNo
Board of Director’s Gold Medal in a Four Year (Honours) Bachelor of Arts – Honours Double Major Social Science$0.001ContinuingNo
Board of Director’s Gold Medal in a Four Year (Honours) Bachelor of Arts – Honours Specialization Interdisciplinary Programs$0.001ContinuingNo
Board of Director’s Gold Medal in a Four Year (Honours) Bachelor of Arts – Honours Specialization Social Science$0.001ContinuingNo
Board of Director’s Gold Medal in a Four Year (Honours) Bachelor of Management and Organizational Studies – Honours Double Major$0.001ContinuingNo
Board of Director’s Gold Medal in a Four Year (Honours) Bachelor of Management and Organizational Studies – Honours Specialization$0.001ContinuingNo
Board of Director’s Gold Medal in a Four Year (Honours) Bachelor of Social Work$0.001ContinuingNo
Board of Director’s Gold Medal in a Four Year Bachelor of Arts – Major$0.001ContinuingNo
Board of Director’s Gold Medal in a Four Year Bachelor of Arts – Specialization$0.001ContinuingNo
Board of Director’s Gold Medal in a Four Year Bachelor of Management and Organizational Studies – Specialization$0.001ContinuingNo
Board of Director’s Gold Medal in a Three Year Bachelor of Arts - Major$0.001ContinuingNo
CAAT Entrance Scholarship$2,500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
Cahill Family Student Award$1,500.002ContinuingYes
Canadian Experiential Learning Award$1,000.00UnlimitedContinuingYes
Canadian Third Year Awards - Lille, Universite Catholique De L'Ouest, or Catholic Institute of Higher Education Studies, La Roche-Sur-Yon Programs$4,000.004ContinuingYes
Cardinal Thomas C. Collins Scholarship for Catholic Student Leadership$5,000.001EntranceYes
Caroline Dodman Peacock Accessibility Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Catherine Martin Social Work Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Catholic Education Foundation of Ontario Entrance Awards$500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
CEGEP Entrance Scholarships$3,500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
Charity of Hope Entrance Award$1,000.001EntranceYes
Christina and Harold McCarrey Student Award$1,500.001ContinuingYes
Christopher Perrin Beatty Award in Politics and International Relations, History or Philosophy$1,000.001ContinuingYes
CIBC MEM Inclusion Award$3,500.004ContinuingYes
CIBC Student Awards in Economics, Business and Mathematics$1,100.002ContinuingYes
Continuing Scholarships for King's University College Full Time Students$2,500.00UnlimitedContinuingNo
Continuing Scholarships for King's University College Part-time Students$300.001ContinuingNo
Courtney Petch Award in English$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Crowe Heart-Centred Leadership Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Cunningham English Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Dante Lenardon Legacy Award$2,000.001ContinuingYes
David and Lynda Ducharme Family Award$5,000.003ContinuingYes
David and Patricia Convery Student Award in Social Work$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Davis Martindale Award in Accounting$1,500.001ContinuingYes
Dr. Hugh Mellon Scholarship for Studies in Social Policy and Public Administration$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Dr. Jack Morgan Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Dr. Jaroslav Havelka Memorial Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Dr. Jeffrey Cormier Memorial Student Award$1,400.001ContinuingYes
Dr. Joan Mason-Grant Awards for Experiential Learning in Social Justice and Peace Studies$1,500.006ContinuingYes
Dr. Justice John Kennedy Award for Excellence$1,000.001ContinuingNo
Dr. Linda Spano Social Work Student Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Dr. Peter McMahon Social Work Award$1,000.001ContinuingNo
Dr. Tozun Bahcheli Award in Politics and International Relations$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Dutrizac Family Student Bursary$1,100.001ContinuingYes
Edward A. MacNeil Bursary$250.001ContinuingYes
Eleanor Murray Student Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Elisa Canzona Social Work Award$300.001ContinuingNo
Emmett and Loretta Regan Memorial Award$4,500.002EntranceYes
Entrance Bursary$750.00UnlimitedEntranceYes
Entrance Scholarships for University Transfer Students$2,500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
Erma Jacob & Family Student Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Faculty Association Award for Outstanding Achievement$500.001ContinuingYes
Father Peter Proulx Award in Interfaith Dialogue$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Felix Giesen Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Financial Support for Youth in Extended Society Care (Formerly Crown Ward)$7,700.005ContinuingYes
Foyston, Gordon & Payne Award$1,500.002EntranceYes
Gary and Catherine Comerford Award in English$2,000.001ContinuingYes
George Anthony Williamson Student Award$1,500.001ContinuingYes
Gerald Killan Regis Entrance Scholarship$5,000.001EntranceNo
Gerald W. Cadman Memorial Scholarship$1,000.001ContinuingNo
Glenville & Rosalie Ansine Award$2,500.001ContinuingYes
Gordon Stevenson Student Award$2,000.001ContinuingYes
Heggarty/Laetare Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
High School Entrance Scholarships$3,500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
Indigenous Student Award$1,000.006ContinuingYes
Indigenous Student Bursary$1,000.004ContinuingYes
International Continuing Scholarships for King's University College Full Time Students$4,000.00UnlimitedContinuingNo
International Experiential Learning Award$1,500.00UnlimitedContinuingYes
International Experiential Learning Bursary$500.00UnlimitedContinuingYes
International High School Entrance Scholarships$5,000.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
International Study Award for Full Year$2,000.00UnlimitedContinuingYes
International Study Award for One Semester$1,000.00UnlimitedContinuingYes
J.M.S. Careless History Club Scholarship$100.001ContinuingNo
Jackie Ross Award in Disability Studies$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Jacques Goutor Memorial Scholarship$1,000.001ContinuingNo
Jahnke Family Social Work Award$1,600.002ContinuingYes
Jane Acres Mature Student Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Jeff R. Wouters Award$1,000.001ContinuingNo
Jeffery G. Roche Memorial Award$1,200.001ContinuingYes
Jennifer Mercanti Award in English and/or Philosophy$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Jennifer Samways Scholarship$1,250.001ContinuingYes
Jenya Hayhoe Award in Support of Volunteerism$3,000.001ContinuingYes
Jeremy Bowley Memorial Award$1,500.001ContinuingYes
Joe Barth Award for Justice and Peace$1,000.001ContinuingYes
John and Dorothy Cronin Award$1,000.004ContinuingYes
John and Kathleen Adams Award$1,000.002ContinuingYes
John and Linda Callaghan Student Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
John and Mary Snyder Scholarship in Philosophy$1,000.001ContinuingNo
John and Terri Kennedy Family Social Work Award$1,500.001ContinuingYes
John Joseph O'Hare Student Award$1,500.001ContinuingYes
Jonathan Sullivan Memorial Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Joseph F. MacDonald Student Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Joshua Switzer Memorial Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Joy and Hope (Gaudium et Spes) Entrance Award for Indigenous Students$1,000.001EntranceYes
King's Academic Athletic Scholarships$3,000.006EntranceYes
King's Accounting Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
King's Entrance Award for Students New to Canada$1,000.004EntranceYes
King's Entrance Scholarship - Arts and Humanities$4,500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
King's Mathematics Excellence Entrance Scholarship$500.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
King's University College General Bursary$500.00UnlimitedContinuingYes
King's University College Great Philosopher's Award$2,200.001ContinuingYes
King's University College Senior Bursary$4,179.84UnlimitedContinuingYes
King's University College Student Council Award$1,500.001ContinuingYes
King's University College Summer General Bursary$250.00UnlimitedContinuingYes
KPMG BIPOC Student Award$2,500.002ContinuingYes
KUC Principal Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
KUCSA Mature Student Award$1,000.002ContinuingYes
KUCSC Class of 2020 Award$1,000.002ContinuingYes
KUCSC Innovator's Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Laura L. Newsome Mature Student Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Lorne White Memorial Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Lovell and Vivian Lord Award$1,500.001ContinuingYes
Lydia Li and Family Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Lynne Cram Student Award in Global Commerce$2,000.002ContinuingYes
Maple Leaf High School Student Leadership Entrance Scholarships$2,500.002EntranceYes
Margaret Mason Award$1,200.001ContinuingYes
Marilyn Campbell Memorial Scholarship$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Marion and Ken Regan Award$2,000.002ContinuingYes
Mary Lou Karley Award for Excellence in Social Work Practice$1,000.001ContinuingNo
Mary Sheehan-Birch Social Work Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Master of Social Work Class of 2021 Black Student Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Master of Social Work General Bursary$500.001ContinuingYes
Mavis Killan Award$1,500.003ContinuingYes
Michael and Rosemary O'Hare Awards$1,600.002ContinuingYes
Mitchell A. and Kathryn Baran Family Student Award$2,000.002ContinuingYes
Ontario Catholic School Boards Awards for Academic Achievement$250.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
Ontario First Generation Bursary$1,000.006ContinuingYes
Pat O'Brien Memorial Award$1,000.001ContinuingNo
Patrick O'Bright Award$500.001ContinuingNo
Paul & Virginia Werstine Shakespeare Scholarship$4,000.001ContinuingNo
Perseverance Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Peter Tam Award$100.001ContinuingYes
Phelan Family Award in History$1,500.001ContinuingYes
President’s Regis Entrance Scholarship$5,000.004EntranceNo
President’s Regis Entrance Scholarship for International Students$5,000.004EntranceNo
R.J. Flinn Scholarship in Religious Studies$1,500.001ContinuingYes
Reid Marchand Memorial Award$500.001ContinuingYes
School of Social Work Diversity and Equity Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Shayne Ainsworth Bursary$1,000.003ContinuingYes
Sisters of St. Joseph Scholarship$5,000.001EntranceYes
Sisters of St. Joseph Travel Bursaries$1,000.004ContinuingYes
Sita Lakhotia Memorial Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Social Justice and Peace Scholarship$3,500.002EntranceYes
Social Work Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Specialist High Skills Major Entrance Awards$2,000.00UnlimitedEntranceNo
St. Peter's Bursary$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Steven G. MacKinnon Award$1,500.001ContinuingYes
Steven G. MacKinnon BMOS Award$1,500.001ContinuingYes
Student Emergency Fund$250.00UnlimitedContinuingNo
Sun Life Financial Social Work Scholarship$1,000.001ContinuingNo
Susan J. O'Neil Award for Excellence in Social Work Practice$1,000.001ContinuingNo
The Boys' and Girls' Club of London Foundation Continuing Award$2,000.002ContinuingYes
The Boys' and Girls' Club of London Foundation Entrance Award$2,000.002EntranceYes
The Emil Pietruszewski Memorial Award$1,000.001ContinuingYes
The Heather Fraleigh MacLean Meek Memorial Social Work Award$1,000.001ContinuingNo
The Ontario Catholic Directors' of Education Entrance Scholarship for Outstanding Students in the King's Catholic Studies for Teachers Program$5,000.001EntranceNo
The Reverend Angelo Bovenzi Student Award$750.002ContinuingYes
Therese Quigley Outstanding Student Athlete Graduate Award$0.001ContinuingNo
Thomas J. Smith Social Work Student Award$1,300.001ContinuingYes
Tieku-Boadi Award for Experiential Learning$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Tom and Anne Marie Peirce$1,000.001ContinuingYes
Walker Family Award$1,300.001ContinuingYes
William F Anderson Award in Politics and International Relations$1,000.001ContinuingNo
William F. Barnicke Student Award$2,000.004ContinuingYes