Dr. Jeffrey Preston

Dr. Jeffrey Preston

Dr. Jeffrey Preston

Department Chair/Associate Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: jpresto7@uwo.ca


Bachelor of Arts Honours in Media and the Public Interest at Western University

Master of Arts in Media Studies at Western University

Doctorate in Media Studies at Western University


Jeff’s work focuses on the intersection of disability, subjectivity, biopower and culture.

Research Grants

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2006 – 2007 & 2008 – 2009)

Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Masters Scholarship (2007 – 2008)

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship (2009 – 2012)

Selected Publications

“Why Organizations Need to be Proactive on Accessibility” in Public Sector Digest. Nov 2012. Web.

“Battle Lines Drawn: Creative resistance to ableism through online media” in Canadian Disability Activism Beyond the Charter: Locating cultural and artistic interventions. Eds. Christine Kelly, Michael Orsini. (University of British Columbia Press) 2016.

Haller, Beth and Jeffrey Preston. “Confirming Normalcy: ‘Inspiration Porn’ and the Construction of the Disabled Subject” in Disability and Social Media. Eds. Kate Ellis, Mike Kent. (Ashgate Publishers) 2016.

Preston, Jeffrey. The Fantasy of Disability. (Routledge) 2016.

Preston, Jeff. “‘Me’ attitude toward government limits accessibility” in London Free Press. Sept 2018. Web.


Select Invited Keynote Lectures

Rethinking Disability. Keynote address at the CIBC Corporate Diversity Day in Toronto, ON. 2015.

Cripping the Classroom: Disability & Education. Workshop at the Advanced Learning Conference, Humber College. 2016.

I’m Gonna Disable Your Child: Rethinking Disability & Education. Keynote address at the Universal Design in Learning Event, Centennial College. 2017.

Intersections & Traffic Lights. Keynote Address Essex County Accessibility Workshop, Leamington, ON. 2017.

You’re Sick But I Can Help. Speaker TEDxWestern, London, ON. 2018.

Parking Stalled: Thoughts on Policy Development & Disability. Keynote address at University of Guelph Accessibility Conference. 2018.