Dr. Jeannette Eberhard

Dr. Jeannette Eberhard

Dr. Jeannette Eberhard

School Associate Director MOS/Assistant Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: jeberhar@uwo.ca

Previous Professional Positions

  • Vice President, Insights Market Research Inc.    
  • Associate Scientist, Victoria Hospital Research Institute
  • Founder and President, Medcom Solutions
  • Chair, London Police Services Board
  • Chair, London Community Foundation Board


  • PhD (Organizational Behaviour), Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  • MBA, Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  • BSc, Queen's University, Canada


  • Organizational Behaviour
  • Organizational Theory
  • Introduction to Business

Selected Publications

Eberhard, J., Pettit, K., & Myrah, K, (2025), First-St. Andrew’s United Church: Charting a Path Through Financial Challenges, Case (W39456) and Teaching Note (W39457). Ivey Publishing.

Eberhard, J., (2024), The Apartment: A Two-Part Negotiation Exercise, Experiential learning exercise (W38832 & W38834) and teaching note (W38833).  Ivey Publishing. (Note: Ivey Publishing submitted this case to the Case Centre 2024-2025 Case Competition in the Outstanding Compact Case category.)

Eberhard, J, Frost, A., & Rerup, C. (2019), The dark side of routine dynamics: Deceit and the work of Romeo pimps. In M. Feldman, L. D’Adderio, P. Jarzabkowski, and K. Dittrich (Eds.), Research in the Sociology of Organizations: Routine Dynamics and Transformation https://doi.org/10.1108/S0733-558X20190000061006

  • This research was the subject of 3 CBC radio interviews (see more detail below), and 27 academic citations (Google Scholar) and 641 reads (on ResearchGate) as of August 12, 2024

Eberhard, J. & Frost, A., (2014), Case study and teaching note: Should police arrest prostitutes or help them?”, Case study and teaching note (9B14C033), Ivey Publishing. Honourable Mention Award at the Annual Meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Conference in 2014.

Keenan, S. P., Hoffmaster, B., Rutledge, F., Eberhard, J., Chen, L. M., & Sibbald, W. J. (2002). Attitudes regarding organ donation from non–heart-beating donors. Journal of Critical Care, 17(1), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.1053/jcrc.2002.33036

Keenan, S. P., Martin, C. M., Kossuth, J. D., Eberhard, J., & Sibbald, W. J. (2000). The Critical Care Research Network: a partnership in community-based research and research transfer. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 6(1), 15-22.

Eberhard, J. & Sibbald, W.J., “The Southwestern Ontario Critical Care Research Network:  Improving Quality of Care through a Strategic Research Alliance”, in Strategic Alliances in Healthcare: A Casebook in Management Innovation, ed. Peggy Leatt et al (The Canadian Association of Health Service Executives, 1996), p 41 - 49

Eberhard, J., “Managing the Strategic Planning Process”, in The Business of Critical Care, ed. William J. Sibbald and Thomas A. Massaro (New York: Futura Publishing Company, Inc., 1996), p 267 – 283

Sibbald, W. J., Eberhard, J. A., Inman, K. J., & Sprung, C. L. (1993). New technologies, critical care, and economic realities. Critical Care Medicine, 21(11), 1777-1780.

In Development

Eberhard, J., “Managing member / employee relations at The ABC Golf Club” (Target: Ivey Publishing) The protagonist in this case, the manager of a prestigious golf club, has agreed to develop a series of mini cases based on member / employee issues. The purpose of the case will be to provide role play opportunities for students in managing HR issues involving employees who may have difficulty speaking up. Data gathering to proceed in fall of 2024.

Eberhard, J, Frost, A., & Rerup, C., “Routine Performances as Occasions for Sensemaking:

Lessons Learned from the Front Lines of Policing and Prostitution” This paper explores the relationship between sensemaking and organizational routines by following the work of one police service to coordinate actions across the judicial system and multiple health and social service agencies to help women involved in street level prostitution. (Target publication: Journal of Management)

Eberhard, J., Frost, A., & Rerup, C., “When sensemaking fails: Investigative challenges in the case of Vancouver’s missing women” This study follows the five-year history of Vancouver’s Missing Women, later found to be a case of serial murder, to show how contextual factors suppressed the ability of police to reimagine the problem they were trying to solve. (Target: Academy of Management Discoveries)

Eberhard, J., Frost, A., & Rerup, C., “Establishing the role of broker: Creating the hybrid job of social worker cop” This paper moves past studies of acknowledged brokers to show how one actor established the role of trusted and knowledgeable broker in relation to multiple targets. (Target: Academy of Management Journal)



2024    Eberhard, J., Pettit, K., and Myrah, K., “Mission survival: Choosing a path forward for First-St. Andrew’s United Church”, Case Track, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) Annual Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 2024

2022    Eberhard, J., “Mission survival: Can Downtown United Church survive financially and still be a church?”, Start Up Cases Workshop, North American Case Research Association (NACRA) Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, October 2022

2022    Eberhard, J., “Mission survival: Choosing the best path forward for Downtown United Church”, Cases Under Development Section of the Case Track, Annual Meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Halifax, Canada, June 2022

2021    Eberhard, J., Frost, A., Rerup, C, “Building an ecology of routines: Making time to help women exit street level sex work”, Organizational Theory Division, Annual Meeting of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Virtual, Canada, June 2021

2021    Blagoy Blagoev, Jeannette Eberhard, Waldemar Kremser & Virginia Rosales-Orquera, co-hosts of roundtable discussion on Roles and Routines at the virtual Routines Research Community Meeting, April 9, 2021,

2020    Eberhard, J., “Growing Pains at the Pillar Non-Profit Network”, Cases Under Development Section of the Case Track, Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Virtual, Canada, June 2020

2020    Eberhard, J., “Romeo pimps and sex trafficking”, Invited lecture for faculty and students at the King’s Research Seminar Series, January 31, 2020

2019    Eberhard, J., Frost, A., Rerup, C., “Interorganizational coordinating: Building an ecology of routines to address the grand challenge of street level prostitution”, European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2019. (Presenter and Roundtable Discussant)

2017    Eberhard, J., “Domestic sex trafficking in Canada: Exploring the dark side of successful routine transfer and police attempts to intervene”, European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2017. (Presenter)

2016    Eberhard, J., “Policing and Prostitution”, Ontario Association of Police Services Board Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, May 2016. (Invited Speaker)

2016    Eberhard, J., Rerup, C. & Frost, A., “Changing lives by transforming patterns of routine ecologies”, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim, U.S.A., August 2016. (Symposium Presenter)

2015    Eberhard, J., “Routine creation: Harnessing ecologies of routines in the policing of prostitution”, European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, Athens, Greece, July 2015. (Presenter)

2015    Eberhard, J., “Routine creation: Harnessing ecologies of routines in the policing of prostitution”, Ontario-Quebec Qualitative Methods Workshop, Montreal, Canada, May 2015. (Presenter)

2014    Eberhard, J., “Variation in organizational learning in response to rare events:  Observations from the front lines of Canadian policing”, Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Muskoka, Canada, May 2014. (Presenter)

2014    Eberhard, J. & Frost, A., “Should police arrest prostitutes or help them?”  Case Track, Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Muskoka, Canada, May 2014. (Presenter) Honourable Mention Award.

2013    Eberhard, J., “Vancouver’s Missing Women and Serial Killer Robert Pickton: Tragic Roadblocks at the Intersection of Attention and Sensemaking”, Academy of Management Conference, Orlando, U.S.A., August 2013. (Presenter / Showcase Symposium Organizer)

2013    Eberhard, J., “Vancouver’s Missing Women and Serial Killer Robert Pickton: Tragic Roadblocks at the Intersection of Attention and Sensemaking”, Managerial and Organizational Attention Workshop, EHT Zurich, Switzerland, June 2013. (Presenter)

2012    Eberhard, J., “Turning the Lens of Attention on Organizational Legitimacy”, Organizational Theory Track, Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, St. John’s, Canada, June 2012. (Presenter)


  • CBC Windsor Morning radio interview, regarding research on Romeo pimps, September 10, 2019