Economics and Finance
Interested in studying Economics or Finance at King's? Visit our Future Economics or Finance Students pages to learn more.
In your first year of studies in the Economics and Finance program, you’ll get a broad liberal arts education that creates a strong foundation for your future studies. During your second year, you’ll have a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of economic and statistical theory, and the opportunity to investigate a wealth of options (environmental economics, labor economics, health economics, finance, policy study, game theory, public finance and more). In your third and fourth years, you’ll specialize with courses that will bring you to the leading edge of current understanding in economics, finance, or financial economics.
You can take advantage of the unique opportunity provided by our Economics program to complete an undergraduate thesis based on an original research project guided by a faculty member. You could also pursue an internship or study abroad. Through these experiences, you will stretch beyond mastery of individual course content to discover how each element of an applied project fits into the bigger picture.