Aug 14, 2023
Dr. Birnbaum discusses impact of split families vacationing together
Newly-separated Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, are vacationing with their children. Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, Distinguished Professor Emerita in the School of Social Work and cross appointed with Childhood and Youth Studies, told The National Post that such trips can only work for the children if managed well by the parents. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Jun 24, 2022
2021-2022 Board of Directors' gold medal award winners
King's celebrates academic excellence by bestowing the 2021-2022 Board of Directors’ Gold Medal Awards on 13 deserving graduates of the Class of 2022. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Jun 2, 2022
Dr. Bendo helps in call for Children's Commissioner
Dr. Daniella Bendo of King’s Childhood and Youth Studies applied her knowledge of children’s rights and advocacy as lead on an initiative and report calling for the development of a Children’s Commissioner in Canada.
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Nov 17, 2021
King's invests $1M in research awards for faculty
King’s establishes $1 million fund to support research initiatives with the creation of the King’s Research Excellence Awards. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Nov 2, 2021
CYS-facilitated workshop to provide decision-makers with young people's insights
Childhood and Youth Studies (CYS) will facilitate a collaborative, youth-led workshop, known as Shaking the Movers (a Canada-wide initiative developed by the Landon Pearson Centre). The workshop will explore young people’s key ideas, insights, and recommendations on how to leverage and build advocacy skills to make a difference in their community.
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Jul 9, 2021
Dr. Birnbaum: What's this fuss about titles/names and regulated professions?
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, Professor of Childhood and Youth Studies and the School of Social Work, discusses the regulation of mediators, from the point of view of a social worker who refers clients to mediation, in an article on The Lawyer's Daily website. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Jun 14, 2021
King's Scholars 'tomorrow's leaders' to be honoured for achievements
Eight students will be honoured as graduates from the King’s Scholar program will be celebrated at the Spring Celebration of Graduates. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Apr 21, 2021
Dr. Birnbaum on Ontario family justice in lockdown
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, Professor of Childhood and Social Institutions and the School of Social Work, has co-written an article for the Lawyer's Daily analyzing how COVID-19 "lockdowns" has affected the family justice system, cases and decisions, and the families and children it serves. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Mar 26, 2021
"Exciting opportunity to collaborate" between CSI and Landon Pearson Centre
King’s University College's the Childhood and Social Institutions (CSI) program has signed an MOU with the Landon Pearson Resource Centre for the Study of Childhood and Children’s Rights to develop annual “Shaking the Movers” workshops. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Mar 15, 2021
King's student-athlete giving back while sports are sidelined
Curtis Fortune, a Childhood and Social Institutions student, helped to organize a sock drive that collected over 57,000 pairs of socks for the city’s less fortunate.
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Feb 24, 2021
Abstracts welcome in new book series created by King's professor
Dr. Sam Frankel has published a book series highlighting the place, purpose and power of Childhood Studies theories. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Feb 19, 2021
'Being BIPOC in Canada' virtual event part of Black History Month celebrations
For the first time, two King’s organizations, King’s Political Science Students’ Association and King’s University College Students’ Council, collaborated with the Western Black Students’ Association to host a virtual event highlighting the lived experiences of BIPOC students in Canada.
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Jan 22, 2021
Dr. Birnbaum on the complexities and impacts of high-conflict family cases
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, Professor of Childhood and Social Institutions and the School of Social Work, has written an article for the Vanier Institute of the Family website presenting the preliminary findings of a research project, conducted with Dr. Nicholas Bala of Queen's University, aimed to help the family justice system and professionals better respond to high-conflict family cases in Ontario. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Jan 21, 2021
Newly-funded study examines COVID impact on family justice
A project to study the effect of COVID-19 on families experiencing separation and family justice in Ontario, on which Dr. Rachel Birnbaum serves as co-investigator, has received over $45,000 in funding. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Dec 8, 2020
CSI faculty edit new book on children's relationships within the family
Dr. Sally McNamee and Dr. Sam Frankel of Childhood and Social Institutions have collaborated on the editing of a new book: Bringing Children Back into the Family. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Nov 5, 2020
Dr. Ryan gives perspective on U.S. election
Dr. Patrick Ryan, Associate Professor from the Department of Interdisciplinary Programs (Childhood and Social Institutions), appeared on CBC's London Morning with Rebecca Zandbergen to discuss his perspectives on the U.S. election as a specialist in American political history and an American living in London. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Oct 29, 2020
Dr. Birnbaum discusses increasing challenges with high conflict family cases
In an article for the Lawyer's Daily website, Dr. Rachel Birnbaum presented the findings of a study that she conducted with Dr. Nicholas Bala (Queen’s) about the marked increase in the number of high conflict disputes that require resolution in Canada’s family courts. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Oct 20, 2020
Dr. Birnbaum presents judicial perspectives on self-representing litigants in family courts
In an article for the Lawyer’s Daily website, Dr. Rachel Birnbaum presented the findings of a study that she conducted with Dr. Nicholas Bala (Queen’s) on judicial perspectives around the growing number of self-represented family litigants in family courts. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Oct 19, 2020
Dr. Birnbaum discusses unbundled legal services for family cases
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum discusses the importance of unbundled legal services which allows people to purchase a limited amount of advice, or focused representation, at a much lower cost than full representation. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
May 28, 2020
King's thanks retiring faculty for their contributions
Six long-serving members of the King’s faculty will be retiring at the end of the 2019-2020 academic year. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
May 11, 2020
CSI professor hosts COVID-19 graduate student roundtable
Dr. Pat Ryan, Associate Professor of Childhood and Social Institutions, hosted a talk about managing your academic goals and responsibilities during the COVID-19 pandemic for the Society for the History of Children and Youth. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Dec 20, 2019
Presenting King's Top News Stories of 2019
As we get set for 2020, we look back at the top news stories and social media postings of 2019. What a year it was for King’s! Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Dec 10, 2019
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum honoured with book launch at conference
As part of the Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario conference, Dr. Rachel Birnbaum spoke on two panels and was honoured at a book launch, in addition to being awarded The Crowe Soberman Award of Excellence in family dispute resolution.
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Dec 6, 2019
King's faculty exploring the risks and benefits of virtual parenting
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum discusses virtual parenting in a published report on the Vanier Institute of the Family’s website. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Oct 8, 2019
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum receives award
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, Professor at King's School of Social Work, is the recipient of the 2019 Crowe Soberman Award of Excellence, as awarded by The Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario (FDRIO). Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Sep 20, 2019
Exploring the concept of belonging for children
Two King’s professors took the stage in Manchester, England to present their research on childhood and belonging. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Sep 12, 2019
Five King's alumni 'Highly Commended' at Undergraduate Awards
Five alumni have been named Highly Commended Entrants for their essays as part of the 2019 Global Undergraduate Awards. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Aug 21, 2019
Exploring the digital world of parent-child contact
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum of King's School of Social Work and Childhood and Social Institutions has had an article published in The Lawyer's Daily about how the rapid increase in the use of virtual technology has enabled another type of parent-child contact. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
May 14, 2019
King's welcomes visitors from Malmö University
Students and faculty from Sweden’s Malmö University are visiting King’s from May 12-17.
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May 2, 2019
King's faculty win research grants from SSHRC
Dr. Thomas Tieku, Dr. Krista Lysack and Dr. Tracy Smith-Carrier have won research grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).
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Mar 13, 2019
Celebrate 20 Years of CSI at King's
20 Years of CSI at King’s – A Celebration of the Childhood and Social Institutions program to be held March 23.
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Nov 1, 2018
Dr. Birnbaum honoured
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, cross-appointed in the School of Social Work and Childhood & Social Institutions,given the Excellence in Family Justice Award from the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts-Ontario.
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Oct 18, 2018
Hamilton kids miss first nine days of school because parents can't agree
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, Professor in Childhood and Social Institutions and Social Work at King's, is quoted in an article in The Hamilton Spectator about a pair of separated parents whose squabbles over which school they should send their children to resulted in the students missing the first two weeks of classes. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Oct 18, 2018
King's collaborates on updated website for history society
With help and hosting from King’s, The Society for the History of Children and Youth is pleased to announce the redevelopment of their website. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Sep 13, 2018
Welcoming students to the department of Interdisciplinary Programs
Department of Interdisciplinary Programs held their first student welcome event.
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Jun 26, 2018
Faculty research assists successful appeal in family law case
The Ontario Court of Appeal cited principles about children’s rights from the research of Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, who is cross-appointed in Social Work and Childhood & Social Institutions. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Jun 15, 2018
Swedish and Canadian Childhood and Social Institutions students swap places
The Malmö exchange seminar allows King’s CSI students to go to Sweden and vice-versa.
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Jun 8, 2018
Dr. Birnbaum comments on the Integrated Domestic Violence Court
Childhood Studies and Social Institutions and Social Work Professor, Dr. Birnbaum, is one of the authors conducting an academic review of the project. She is quoted in The Hamilton Spectator. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
May 29, 2018
Childhood and Social Institutions faculty present at symposium in New Jersey
Dr. Sally McNamee and Dr. Pat Ryan were guest panelists on teaching CSI.
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Mar 6, 2018
School of Social Work professor receives $250,000 grant
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum receives a grant from The Law Foundation of Ontario for her research of non-traditional family law services. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Feb 7, 2018
CSI professor writes book with student contributions
King’s Childhood and Social Institutions students work with Prof. Sam Frankel on book, “Giving Children a Voice.” Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Oct 27, 2017
Congratulations class of 2017
Convocation ceremony and reception held for 191 King’s graduates on Friday, October 27, 2017.
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Sep 20, 2017
Exchange students from Winchester, England study at King's for a semester
Childhood Youth and Community Studies students from King’s partner school, the University of Winchester, spend a semester in London, ON.
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Sep 7, 2017
King's student receives $1,500 bursary from Realtors Board
Felicidy Hocking, a first year student in Childhood and Social Institutions program has received one of four bursaries given to outstanding students by the London and St. Thomas Association of Realtors. Hocking is a graduate of Catholic Central high school and the granddaughter of a realtor in the Board.
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Jul 5, 2017
King's students study childhood social institutions in England
King's students study childhood social institutions in England. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Jun 23, 2017
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum presents research on Views of the Child Reports
School of Social Work and Childhood & Social Institutions professor Dr. Rachel Birnbaum reported her findings on Views of the Child Reports in Toronto.
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Jun 15, 2017
Childhood and Social Institutions trip to Malmö, Sweden
In May of 2017, Dr. Patrick Ryan departed with eight Childhood and Social Institutions (CSI) students to the University of Malmö. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
May 11, 2017
Dr. Birnbaum explores the digital dimensions of divorce
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum investigates the pros and cons of using technology, such as Skype or Facebook, when communicating with each other. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
May 2, 2017
Bon Voyage
King's wishes safe travels to students and faculty traveling abroad this summer. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Jan 28, 2017
King's student, Rebeca Sousa, candidate for London Youth Advisory Council-Western representative
Learn more about Rebeca Sousa’s platform.
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Sep 13, 2016
King's Professor Rachel Birnbaum named Member of The Royal Society of Canada College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
Congratulations to Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, elected as a Member to the prestigious Royal Society of Canada, College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists, in recognition of her research as an emerging, young, scholar. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Jun 6, 2016
CSI students attend prestigious Geneva Summer School
Two King’s students were selected to take part in the “Children at the Heart of Human Rights” course at the University of Geneva. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
May 24, 2016
King's students land in Malmo, Sweden for learning exchange
A group of eight King’s students in the Childhood and Social Institutions program (CSI) are spending part of May at the University of Malmo, Sweden. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
May 13, 2016
King's welcomes students and faculty from the University of Winchester, England
British childhood studies students are now on King’s campus for the Canadian week of the exchange.
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May 10, 2016
King's welcomes students from Malmö, Sweden
Students from Malmö University arrive at King’s for a summer experiential learning exchange.
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May 2, 2016
CSI students study in England
Four King's CSI students attend Winchester University as part of an international exchange seminar. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Mar 14, 2016
King's Students Visit Dominican Republic, February 2016, as part of Experiential Learning Course
Hear about the insightful experiential learning trip to the Dominican Republic led by King's Social Justice and Peace Studies professor Dr. Allyson Larkin. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Feb 11, 2016
King's students head south to the Dominican Republic for reading week
King's Social Justice and Peace Studies, Childhood and Social Institutions and Social Work students will spend reading week in the Dominican Republic working with local communities. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Feb 5, 2016
Cross-appointed professor gets grant to improve family justice system
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum receives funding to bring together key decision-makers to help improve the family justice system. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Sep 17, 2015
King's Professor named President of Society for History of Children and Youth
Meet the Ninth President of the Society for History of Children and Youth, King’s Chair for the Department of Interdisciplinary Programs, Dr. Patrick Ryan. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Jul 23, 2015
King's Professor works with Pro Bono Students Canada on an inventive study on Family Law litigants
King's Professor Dr. Rachel Birnbaum and associate Dr. Bala of Queen's University will conduct inventive research into the Ontarios courts system to better understand the experience of family law litigants. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
May 11, 2015
Swedish students and faculty join King's CSI class for three week intersession program
King's welcomes students and faculty from Malmo University, Sweden who are participating in a unique exchange program in the Childhood and Social Institutions program. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Apr 2, 2015
King's Student wins Ontario Volunteer Service Award
King's fourth year Social Justice and Peace Studies (SJPS) and Childhood and Social Institutions (CSI) student Jenna Strathearn is recognized for her commitment to community service at London's Boys' and Girls' Club, Tuesday March 31.
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Apr 1, 2015
CSI Students bring international child advocacy issues to the forefront in new course
Panelists judge presentations of International Perspectives on Child Advocacy course in Childhood and Social Institutions department.
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Jan 12, 2015
King's visiting professor Dr. Sam Frankel presents Social Learning Agenda to the Parliament of the United Kingdom
Dr. Frankel’s research aims to make school-aged children partners in learning.
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Dec 16, 2014
King's professor speaks at the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, associate professor in CSI and Social Work, was invited as an expert to speak on December 10, 2014 in Brussels, Belgium.
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Jul 2, 2014
King's students & faculty head north
On Wednesday July 2, 2014, ten King’s Students and two faculty supervisors left the comforts of Southwestern Ontario and flew to Fond du Lac, Saskatchewan for 14 days of catechesis work and incultruation immersion.
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