Faculty & Staff
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Dr. Patrick Ryan
Associate Professor
Department Chair
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
pryan2@uwo.ca -
Kat Siva
Academic Department Assistant
519-433-3491 x.
Kat.Siva@kings.uwo.ca -
Jessica Sommers
Academic Program Advisor
519-433-3491 x.7301
Email me -
Dr. Daniella Bendo
Assistant Professor
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
dbendo2@uwo.ca -
Maria Bernard
519-433-3491 x.
mberna4@uwo.ca -
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum
Co-Director, Research Institute with Children
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
rbirnbau@uwo.ca -
Laurel Donison
519-433-3491 x.
ldonison@uwo.ca -
Dr. Hunter Knight
Assistant Professor
519-433-3491 x.
Hknight6@uwo.ca -
Dr. Sally McNamee
Professor Emerita
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
smcnamee@uwo.ca -
Dr. Alan Pomfret
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
pomfret@uwo.ca -
Craig Sigurdson
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491
csigurd@uwo.ca -
Dr. Jennifer Silcox
Assistant Professor
519-433-3491 x.519-433-3491