• Tue, March 25, 2025
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Research Office
  • Spriet Learning Commons, SLC
  • Free
  • Research
Research Week: SJPS Community Engagement Showcase

Engage with emerging scholars, gain insights into the latest trends in Social Justice and Peace Studies research, and foster meaningful discussions on pressing issues within the field. The poster presentations will highlight current justice-oriented service learning projects that students have co-designed with partner non-profit organizations. Whether you are a fellow student, faculty member, or simply curious about social justice issues, this event promises to inspire and captivate you.

Faculty Lead: Shawna Lewkowitz, Lecturer, Social Justice and Peace Studies

Presenting Students:

Abdallah Al-Sahli Seiko Flynn Hannah Pearl
Muna Alhourani Thokhat Hoth Maya Plommer
Sukalpi Amin Saleh Ibrahim Emma Santos
Gia Angelopoulos Mateo Kartye Danielle Schembri
Norah Arnold Quinton Kausky Don Strickland
Yasmine Zabian David Lee Hannah Van De Peer
Anastatia Billingsley Lauren Marques Nathaniel Whyte
Emma Billingsley Victor Nyanguru Stella Young
Gurkiran Dhanoa    

King’s-Community Research Engagements spotlight the dynamic collaboration and intersections between King’s faculty, students, and local community organizations, illustrating the tangible impact of King’s research. Through a series of roundtable exchanges, we showcase how King’s research and experiential learning opportunities foster positive social change and strengthen our commitment to community engagement and social justice.

Learn more about King's Research Week.