November 12, 2021 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

The King’s 360 Virtual Tour is now more interactive, with links, videos and photos. The tour utilizes photos covering all areas of King’s, from the Wemple Building to the Cardinal Carter Library and from the Student Life Centre to Labatt Hall. This allows potential students and visitors to familiarize themselves with key features of our campus.

“The virtual tour is an important part of our recruitment strategy giving students who can’t visit our campus ahead of time the opportunity to experience the sense of beautiful, well-equipped spaces that we have created for our students to have an optimal living and learning environment,” says Dr. Tracy Cunningham, Director of Enrolment Services & Registrar.

The 360 Virtual Tour is a great tool for future students to see why King’s is a place to be. At the same time, however, it is a valuable resource for students arriving on campus for the first time and wishing to find a place to study, grab a bite to eat, work out or go to class.

The new 360 Virtual Tour includes interactive points of interest with descriptions, photos, videos and e-commerce opportunities. As an example, users can access a menu for the Thames Market when they virtually arrive to that spot in the tour.

It also allows King’s Enrolment to give virtual tours to perspective students. It will implement an “Apply Now” button, giving students easier access to the beginning of their enrolment journey.

“This updated 360 experience provides an easier transition to prospective students as well as new students finding their way around campus,” says Jordan Crow, Digital Content Producer at Giant Creative, Inc., who teamed with King’s on the project

In August 2021, members of Giant Creative, Inc. came to campus and worked with Nikki Sasso Mitchell, Communications Assistant, Events/Promotion, to capture 788 interior 3D scans across the King’s campus over four-and-a-half weeks.

Giant Creative, Inc. captured 3D scans of each building on campus to create a model. They integrated the models into an easy-to-navigate and responsive menu system, allowing users to cleanly and effortlessly jump to any point on campus and access a sub-menu of individual rooms and points of interest.

“Our team at Giant Creative Inc. created a fully-interactive 3D experience of the King’s University College campus, providing students, faculty and partners from around the world the ability to experience the campus as if they were walking through the halls themselves,” says Crow.

Take the 360 Virtual Tour of King’s.