The Centre for Social Concern at King’s presents a panel discussion, “Our Dying World: A Panel Discussion & Exhibition on Climate Crisis” on March 11, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. at the Joanne and Peter Kenny Theatre.  A reception will follow in the Garron Family Lounge. All are welcome to attend.

The keynote speaker is Dr. Liette Vasseur, Brock University UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Communities.

The panelists include:

  • Hayden King, Anishanaabe at Yellowhead Institute at Ryerson
  • Vanessa Grey, Anishanaabe from Aamjiwnaang, a local leader in the fight to protect Aamjiwnaang from environmental racism
  • Skylar Franke ’19, London Environmental Network & Young Alumni Award Recipient, 2019

This event will focus on the implications for declaring cities to be in a state of climate emergency. London Mayor Ed Holder and City Council of London declared a state of climate emergency in the city in April 2019.  “Our Dying World” will highlight some of the larger, macro-structural changes that are needed to take place, and draw links to the local environmental situation through engagement with indigenous communities and other local initiatives.

“Our hope from this event is to bring the King’s community into the discussion on how to adapt to our rapidly changing climate future,” says Dr. Allyson Larkin, Associate Professor, Coordinator, Social Justice and Peace Studies/Interdisciplinary Programs and Co-Director, Centre for Social Concern.

The Centre for Social Concern was established in 1982 and is engaged in research and public awareness around a variety of issues of social justice and peace in Canada and internationally. Consistent with the mission of King’s University College as a Catholic institution of higher learning, the intention of the Centre is to bring issues of poverty, inequality, and other forms of injustice under the scrutiny of social analysis.  Prevailing ideologies that help shape social and economic policies are questioned by bringing to bear the latest empirical data and analyses drawn from a variety of alternative publications, as well as the popular press. 

For more information on the “Our Dying World” event, please visit

For more information on the Centre for Social Concern, please visit