November 18, 2020 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

King’s will be virtually celebrating the Feast of Christ the King on November 22, 2020.

King’s Campus Ministry will be holding Feast of Christ the King Mass at the Windemere on the Mount at 9 a.m., 11 a.m., and 5 p.m. The Mass at 11 a.m. will be livestreamed through the the Campus Ministry Facebook page and YouTube channel

As part of Feast of Christ the King, King’s will be holding the Virtual Student Awards Celebration, taking place on Zoom, beginning at 2 p.m.

The Feast of Christ the King was instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925. The General Roman Calendar of 1969 moved its observance in the Roman Rite to the last Sunday of Ordinary Time, the final Sunday of the liturgical year. This day in the calendar marks both the patronal feast day of Christ the King University Parish and of King's University College, founded in 1954 as Christ the King College.

King’s celebrates Feast of Christ the King with events that honour the historical name, the growth, and history of the College. This ceremony acknowledges the accomplishments of some of our finest students, and we celebrate both their academic achievements and their remarkable service to King’s and the wider community.

Every year, King's honours student award recipients and the donors who have supported student awards at an Awards Ceremony. The ceremony provides an opportunity for donors, award recipients, and their families to meet and celebrate together. Although we cannot celebrate in person at this time, we are proud of the accomplishments of King's students and grateful for the generosity of donors who support student awards at King's.

Dr. David Malloy, King’s Principal, and Dr. Laura Melnyk Gribble, Associate Academic Dean and Chair of the Scholarships and Bursaries Committee, will offer remarks and the impact of the awards will be discussed.

As part of the celebration, Dr. Graham Broad, Associate Professor of History and Dr. Vidya Natarajan, Writing Program Coordinator, the recipients of the 2020 King’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching. will be co-presenting the annual Christopher Perrin Beatty Lecture.

The Christopher Perrin Beatty Lecture in Recognition of King's Outstanding Teaching Faculty was established by the Beatty family to honour the memory of their son Christopher Beatty, a 2007 alumnus who passed away in 2008 at the age of 23. The lecture is hosted annually by the King's University College Foundation.

Dr. Broad will be presenting on History, Memory, and Reconciliation on the Battlefield. He will discuss how the study of war, and in particular the public commemoration of war, including battlefield study tours, can lead students to intergenerational and diverse encounters, making former sites of violent encounters into symbolic sites of reconciliation.

Dr. Broad is the co-director of Wartime Canada and the author of A Small Price to Pay: Consumer Culture on the Canadian Home Front 1939-1945 (UBC Press, 2013, shortlisted for the CP Stacey Award) and One in a Thousand: the Life and Death of Captain Eddie McKay Royal Flying Corps (UTP Press, 2017). He co-authoured (with Matthew Rankin) Canada: A Country of Change (Winnipeg: Portage and Main Press, 2008). It was also published as Le Canada, un pays de changements – de 1867 à nos jours, translated by Michel Arsenault (2009).

Dr. Natarajan will be presenting on Academic Writing and Linguistic Justice. She will discuss the recent intensification of interest in how writers' contexts, linguistic backgrounds, and lived experiences affect their rhetorical choices, and how academic writing norms, in turn, are socially determined.

Dr. Natarajan has been a Professor of English Literature and Writing at King’s University College since 2004, and Coordinator of the Writing Program at King’s University College since 2017. She oversees tutoring at The Write Place and coordinates the delivery of Writing courses. Over the last three years, Dr. Natarajan has redesigned and taught first-year Writing courses, recently creating and teaching Writing 2301F (Tutoring Writers) and Writing 2208G (Teaching Writing), both of which can be used towards the new Certificate in the Teaching and Practice of Writing.  

There will be a Q&A session after each of the lectures. All are welcome. Registration is required.

King’s Campus Ministry will also be hosting the Christ the King Lecture as a webinar on December 3, 2020. Shane Claiborne will be delivering the lecture, The Jesus Way in the World Today. Our faith is not just a way of believing. It is a way of living in the world. Christians are meant to be nonconformists, interrupting the patterns of our world with prophetic imagination. We should be a holy counterculture. After all, the Kingdom of God is not just something we hope for when we die, but something that we are to bring on earth as it is in heaven.

Claiborne is a prominent speaker, activist, and best-selling author. Working with Mother Teresa in Calcutta, Shane founded The Simple Way in Philadelphia. Shane is a champion for grace which has led him to jail for advocating for the homeless, and to places like Iraq and Afghanistan to stand against war. Now grace fuels his passion to end the death penalty and help stop gun violence. Shane’s books include Jesus for President, Red Letter Revolution, Becoming the Answer to Our Prayers, Executing Grace, and The Irresistible Revolution

You can register for the webinar at