History professor Dr. Alison Meek receives King's Teaching Award
July 8, 2014
Congratulations to Dr. Alison Meek, King's Associate Professor of History, for receiving this year's King's University College Award of Excellence in Teaching by Full-Time Faculty. Dr. Meek joined the faculty at King’s in 2001 and has been on the Dean’s Honor Roll of Teaching Excellence every year since her arrival.
The following is taken from the citation read at Spring Convocation in June 2014:
"Her approach to teaching history is to make history come alive, to make history and a history degree relevant, to ensure students are accepted as participants in the classroom, and to set forth clear expectations for both students and herself.
Indeed, she carried out each of these objectives in a broad range of American history courses at all levels with consummate skill and unbridled enthusiasm. She sweeps the students away on a historical journey transporting them in time and space in an environment characterized by spirited debate, complete engagement, and total immersion in classes with standing room only. The students are at once entertained and mesmerized - hardly aware that they have consumed vast amounts of information that reflects the current state of the discipline. She attends to the organization of her teaching materials and the grading of papers, tests and exams with impeccable precision and efficiency.
Her students describe her as the best professor they ever had, as passionate, energetic, stimulating, highly organized and motivating. She has helped hundreds of students outside the classroom, written countless letters of reference and received testimonials of the highest order from students that she has shepherded into graduate programs at prestigious universities."
Business professor Ruth Strickland will be receiving the King's University College Award of Excellence in Teaching by Part-Time Faculty this fall 2014.