March 17, 2021 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

King’s Residence will not be increasing residence room fees for 2021-2022, in recognition of the challenges students have faced because of COVID-19.

The fee freeze will be implemented as a way to help families and students financially during a difficult time. Some students had to defer their residence stays this year because of the uncertainty presented by the pandemic. Other students had to defer due to the economic impacts of the pandemic.

“Employment opportunities for some students have been limited and this has had an impact on their ability to budget for university.  This is our way of helping out in some small way. Keeping room fees at the same rate as this year is a way to acknowledge the students who faced difficult decisions about coming to residence and to ensure they aren’t paying more for their deferred residence experience,” says Doreen Vautour, Associate Dean of Students.

Living in residence offers another dimension to the King’s student experience.  Living close to the resources at King’s and living with classmates is an excellent way to thrive.  Living in residence is convenient and it is a supportive learning environment. 

King’s offers several residences including Alumni Court, Wemple Hall, Epworth Place Houses, the Townhouses, International House and King’s Common.

All first year applicants who receive an offer of academic admission to King’s by June 1, 2021, are offered guaranteed residence until the established deadline date (typically near the end of May or early June).  You will receive your offer of residence in your academic offer package.  Residence space may be available after the guaranteed deadline date; however, this cannot be guaranteed. For more information on Residence Applications, please visit

Every year King's welcomes students from around the world to the residence community. Typically, 35% of residents are international students. This creates a rich multicultural residence community and we encourage residents to embrace the opportunities for cross-cultural learning this community offers.