King's Principal announces COVID Care Days
A message from Dr. David Malloy, King's Principal:
Here we are in the second week of August and the most unusual summer is going by so quickly. Before we know it, the September onrush will be here while many of you have not had a proper break to breathe. Your unstopping efforts at King's have been impressive, especially by those who are also caring for family, extended family and others in the community as well as yourselves during this stressful time. We have had to develop and implement entire new working systems in addition to our regular work requirements. While I hope you have taken some well-deserved vacation time, I know for some that vacation has not been a full break as many activities and movements are limited due to the pandemic.
It is with this in mind, that I am inviting all King's staff to take up to two COVID Care Days between now and the end of 2020. The idea behind these special days off from your regular work at King's is that you use some time away from here to care for others who may be under extra stress during the pandemic. This may include caring for children, partners, yourself, elderly and extended family members, neighbours, - if even just taking time for a phone call to check-in with others. Perhaps you may want to volunteer to help others in the community who could use your support right now. Everyone has someone, or a cause, they care about that may need extra help due to the pressures of the pandemic and yet the demands of your job may be preventing you from providing such care to those you love, including to yourself. The pandemic has put different stresses on everybody. We're giving you this time to help others, and yourself, during the next few months, which we all expect to be challenging.
I am urging you to take these COVID Care Days ideally, prior to the start of classes. However, I appreciate that taking time off right now is a challenge for many departments, and likely not possible for some of you, due to the nature of your work requirements as we prepare for the new academic term. Therefore, you will need to discuss the timing of your COVID Care Days with your supervisor in advance.
Some details about the COVID Care Days:
- Can be taken in half-day or full-day allotments to a max of two days
- These days are not to replace vacation time, nor an addition to vacation time or other leaves.
- You cannot change two pre-scheduled vacation days to COVID Care Days
- COVID Care Days are to be used by the end of 2020. There will be no carry-over of COVID Care Days days.
- COVID Care Days need a supervisor's approval
Take care of yourselves and take care of each other - those you love and the community who need you now more than ever. You have done an outstanding job taking care of this place.