King's cancels outbound international student experiential learning trips
King’s is dedicated to the health and well-being of our community and understands that there are concerns related to COVID-19 and international university-sanctioned travel at this time. While the risk in London, Ontario remains low, the situation in Europe, Asia and elsewhere in the world is volatile. King’s has several university-sanctioned international student experiential learning courses, exchange and summer programs scheduled to depart in the next few months. Given the risk, King’s has cancelled outbound international university-sanctioned student experiential learning trips, exchange and summer programs. This decision is based on: possible risk to the health of our community; not being able to provide quarantine space abroad should a King’s community member become ill during a university-sanctioned trip; and lack of insurance related to COVID-19.
This cancellation includes:
- Social Justice & Peace Studies experiential learning trip to Italy
- History experiential learning trip to Belgium and France
- Childhood and Social Institutions experiential learning trips to Sweden and England
- Political Science experiential learning trip to Arizona
- Outbound international exchange and summer programs
- Faculty and staff conference and research presentations to any level 3 countries/zones
“We take these steps in the best interests of our students, faculty and staff,” says Dr. David Malloy, Principal. King’s is working to secure course credit for students in experiential learning courses impacted by this decision and to assist them with financial travel losses due to the cancellations. Students registered in winter credit courses (Social Justice and Peace Studies and History) will be able to complete their credits. Students are asked to contact their academic program advisor to arrange assistance. King’s will work one-on-one with students to assist with non-refundable travel fees.
“We appreciate the disappointment this decision causes however we must act responsibly while the COVID-19 situation continues to remain unresolved,” adds Dr. Malloy. King’s will continue to provide updates to the community as new information becomes available. For the most updated information, please visit
Faculty are advised not to book international university-sanctioned travel without travel cancellation and conference cancellation insurance. Staff are advised not to book international university-sanctioned travel prior to checking with their supervisor.
It is recommended everyone adhere to the World Health Organization’s basic protective measures, which include washing your hands regularly for 20 seconds, covering your cough with your arm, refrain from shaking hands and to stay home if you are sick.