November 15, 2024 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

Dr. Pamela Cushing, Associate Professor of Disability Studies, and Jennifer Shield, a former part-time instructor at King’s, co-developed the Participator Advocacy Research Network Camp. However, the camp, which took place at Brock University on October 15-17, 2024, was co-led by self-advocates with developmental disabilities and autism.

The camp, as it was called, was a series of presentations on doing research that is inclusive for self-advocates with developmental disabilities and autism. Dr. Cushing explains that these presentations taught research skills and focused on topics including ethics, consent processes, and planning.

The goal was to create an event and space for disabled people to do three things: share what they know about doing research, learn more from others about new methods, and be involved in every decision of the events as part of learning how to lead.

“Importantly, the key unique aspect (of the presentations) was that self-advocates with developmental disabilities and autism were co-leading everything from start to finish. They were part of every decision and involved in ensuring all materials were as accessible as possible,” says Dr. Cushing.

Dr. Cushing has been involved with Disability Studies since launching the cluster of courses in 2012. While leading Disability Studies from a minor, then major, then program and now a full department, she has focused on intellectual and developmental disability in her research, including offering innovative and highly inclusive courses that include people with developmental disabilities and autism in the class.

“All of this led me to develop a special integrated co-learning andragogy (teaching approach), also a customized leadership module, which is what I was asked to present on (as part of the camp),” says Dr. Cushing.

The event was made possible by a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) grant.

A diverse group of approximately 80 people were involved with the grant, led by the principal investigator, Laura Mullins of Brock’s Department of Applied Disability Studies, and included several co-applicants and collaborators, of which Dr. Cushing was one. Also included were several university students and self-advocates who identify as having lived experience of developmental disability or autism. Others involved were self-advocates and their support workers, agency managers and graduate students from Brock.