April 5, 2017 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

King’s history students studying Cold War America showcased their projects in the Vitali Lounge on April 3, 2017. Students covered a wide range of topics including: Media Coverage of Domestic Terrorism, 1968-1995, The Impact of the Nuclear Bomb on American Culture, 1945-1963, The Dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and Nixon and Kissinger’s Foreign Policy. Rooted in solid historical research and analysis, these projects were presented using a variety of mediums: podcasts, documentaries, museum displays, graphic novels and essays; each demonstrating the significance and applicability of studying history.

Students were present to discuss their research further to interested faculty, staff and students. Dr. Alison Meek, Department Chair & Associate Professor was pleased to see the level of creativity demonstrated by her students and the professionalism they showed while presenting their research.

Below is the full list of projects and the mediums used by students:


                Media Coverage of Domestic Terrorism, 1968-1995 by Jordan Cole.

                Muhammad Ali, Minister of Islam by Donny Geromette.

                The United States and the 1991 Gulf War by Taylor Marshall.

                JFK’s 1963 Speech at Harvard University by Justin Steinburg.

Film Documentaries

                The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment by Kristen Pearn.

                The Impact of the Nuclear Bomb on American Culture, 1945-1963 by Daniel Sykes.

                The United States, Rhodesia and South Africa in the 1980s by Philip De Jager.

                Volkswagen’s Entry into the United States by Patrick Folta.

Museum Display

                The United States and the History of the Berlin Wall, 1961-1989 by Grainne Kieran.

Graphic Novel/Comic Book

                The Dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima by Shirley Wong.

Imagined Diaries

                The Kent State Shooting: National Guard, Kent State Student, and Richard Nixon by Hilary Dingman.

Research Essays

                Nixon and Kissinger’s Foreign Policy by Braden Adsett.

                Teen Films of the 1980s by Alannah Collier.

                Joseph Kennedy’s Influence on John F. Kennedy’s Career by Dillon Drum.

The United States Role in the 1953 Iranian Coup by Maria Franco.

                The Reagan Doctrine and Afghanistan by Nathan Lisowyk.

                Advertising in the 1950s and 1960s by Shayla Sheppard.

                The Life of the 1950s Housewife by Jennifer Smith.

Historiographical Essays

                The US Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by Walt Olson.

                Hiroshima, Nagasaki and American Identity by Rachael Gorni.

Congratulations to each student as they finish their fourth year at King’s University College.