Bell Let's Talk promoting wellness at King's
January 27, 2020
As part of Bell Let’s Talk Day on January 29, 2020, King’s has organized a number of activities. Designed to help engage our students, staff and faculty with mental health resources, there are many ways to participate in Bell Let’s Talk day on campus:
- An information and photo booth from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. will be located in the King Student Life Centre to create awareness around Bell Let’s Talk Day and wellness resources available to the King’s community.
- Human Resources will have an information booth set up in the SLC to promote wellness among staff and faculty.
- will have an information book offering students a chance to make their own bracelets and pick up information in the SLC from 11 a.m-4 p.m.
- The King’s Wellness Team (including professional social workers) will be answering any questions that the King’s community might have regarding mental health and wellness via King’s Instagram channel @kingsatwestern.
- A “Bell Let’s Toque Wellness Hunt,” will create awareness around Bell Let’s Talk Day and wellness resources available to the King’s community, starting at 9 a.m.
- Video testimonials about the importance of wellness by members of the King’s community have been shared on social media.
- A Yoga Class taking place at 1:00 p.m. in the Reflection Room.
- The King’s Wellness Tour, held from 12 noon – 2 p.m. to demonstrate the King’s wellness resources that are available to students, faculty, and staff. Take a tour, answer some questions and get a toque!
While engaging in these activities, members of the King’s community are asked to use the hashtags on social media through posts and retweets: #BellLetsTalk, #StrongerTogether, #KingsCares, #BellLetsToque, #WellnessatKings, #APlaceToBe #APlaceToBecome, #KingsWellness as they follow along on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Snapchat (filter).
The day’s events have been organized on King’s campus by Kylie Castle, Zirda Kiki, Aysenur Kurt and Lourdes Hurtado , interns in the Communications Department from Fanshawe College’s post graduate certificate in Public Relations and Corporate Communications along with Spenser Henstock a King’ student and Intern completing a Western writing internship here. Bell Let’s Talk will be implemented at King’s through collaboration with:
- Wellness at King’s
- Personal and Accessibility Counseling
- Good to Talk
- The School of Social Work
- (Video)
- Tour Guides
- King’s Cafeteria
- King’s Library
- Human Resources
- Yoga instructor Jamie Burnham
- King’s Principal, Dr. David Malloy @kingsprincipal
- King’s Dean of Students, Joe Henry @askdeanjoe
“We continue to put wellness and mental health at the centre of the support we offer to students and each other. All members of our community play a role in creating and fostering a caring campus. Every action indeed does count when it comes to mental health,” says Joe Henry, Dean of Students.
Mental health and wellness involves finding a balance in all aspects of life, including physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. King's is committed to supporting all students, staff, and faculty in reaching their highest potential, and that includes providing a multitude of wellness resources available on campus.
On Bell Let’s Talk Day on January 29, Bell will donate five cents for every applicable text message, call, tweet, social media view and the use of their Facebook frame or Snapchat filter toward mental health initiatives. Bell’s total donation to mental health programs now stands at $100,695,763.75.
For more information for Bell Let’s Talk Day, visit