Adhering to public health guidelines: a message from King's Principal
September 17, 2020
To the King’s community,
The wider Western community is facing an increasing number of COVID-19 cases connected to off-campus activity by students. As the number of positive cases increases, the King’s community remains, at this time, at a low risk. We have had two students who live off-campus test positive. Neither of them have been on campus. We have reached out to these students and offered them our support. Still, this situation can change quickly, and it is imperative that all members of the King’s community adhere to the health and safety guidelines of the Middlesex-London Health Unit (MLHU) and the province. This includes staying home if you are sick and staying within your bubble of less than ten people, maintaining physical distancing, wearing a mask, washing your hands, and getting tested if you are sick.
Western has moved back to Phase 3 in their campus operations which includes closing athletics and recreation, as well as stopping in-person student club meetings and events, and restricting access to libraries and several other buildings, effective this week.
At King’s, we remain in Phase C which includes allowing King’s students to use our study space under physical distancing requirements. Our residence and food services remain open as do our in-person/blended classes. Our library will continue with contactless pick-up. We have social distancing in our classrooms and we will continue to operate as a blended campus. However, we will not be running on-campus events at this time.
There is no greater time than now to display the shared social responsibility for our joint health, safety, and well-being that the King’s community is so well regarded for. Any behaviours by King’s students that are deemed to put the community at risk, and which cause complaints from the public, will be investigated under the Student Code of Conduct. I know you want to experience a sense of community, but that must be limited within your bubble or virtually to prevent the further spread of the virus. A big part of that is avoiding large gatherings, particularly house parties, and practicing proper physical distancing. When you come to campus, you must maintain physical distancing.
Contacts for students and families:
- Health-related inquiries (Monday to Friday): 519-661-3030 or; weekends: Telehealth Ontario 1-866-797-0000 or toll-free TTY 1-866-797-0007
- Other inquires: Student Support & Case Management at or 519-661-2111 x89152
COVID-19 testing options on campus:
COVID-19 testing trailer: Located in Social Science Centre parking lot, Western’s testing trailer is open Monday-Friday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Those visiting the trailer are asked to wait in a physically distanced line to access a test.
Any students with accessibility needs can book a COVID-19 test with the nurse at the Student Health clinic by calling 519-661-3030, and employees can do so with the nurse at the Workplace Health clinic at 519-661-2047.
Student Health Care Clinic: Symptomatic patients who need a physician's assessment can book a virtual visit with a doctor. A follow-up examination and COVID-19 test may be scheduled at the doctor's discretion. To book an appointment, please visit the appointments page.
Additional COVID-19 resources for the campus community can be found and on the MLHU’s website.
I am counting on you to take care of yourself, each other and this place.