King’s welcomed new International exchange and degree students at a full day orientation on January 5, 2015.
King's English Professor receives prestigious award on December 9, 2014.
Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, associate professor in CSI and Social Work, was invited as an expert to speak on December 10, 2014 in Brussels, Belgium.
King’s and the London Poverty Research Centre have formed a partnership to become the London Poverty Research Centre at King’s.
King's Political Science professor taught National Security Program and Joint Staff Command courses on December 5, 2014.
The team is already hard at work preparing for Soph selections.
Two political science students debated in the tournament held by Western this year.
Dr. Paul Werstine gave a presentation about the value of a liberal arts education.
King's welcomed 100 secondary students from TVDSB for a full-day conference showcasing some of our interdisciplinary programs.
Dr. Matthew Yeager, King’s Sociology professor, was recognized by the Division on Critical Criminology of the American Society of Criminology.
Enrolment Services is relocated to the Vitali Student Lounge Extension during the month of December.
King’s Political Science Students’ Association and the Debating Society attended the event on November 5.
King's is pleased to announce that Dr. Robert Ventresca has been awarded The Harry C. Koenig prize by the American Catholic Historical Association.
Social Work professors received Outstanding Alumni Awards at the City University of Hong Kong's Homecoming on October 26.
EBM professor receives this year's Pat Time Teaching Award at Autumn Convocation on October 23.
A group of 13 social work master's students and Dr. Dora Tam in the Groups and Communities Practice course attended the Housing First Training on October 17.
This past summer, King's graduates embarked on a trip of a lifetime throughout Africa as they helped raise money for The Water Project.
King’s SJPS & Political Science students with support from the King’s Debate Society present the King’s Mayoral Candidates Debate.