Hello! I'm Maria Vargas, I'm here to tell you about AccessAbility Week at King's!

AccessAbility Week is a significant opportunity to recognize the contributions of disabled individuals in Canada and celebrate their hard work and achievements in leadership, activism, and community roles.

Each year, AccessAbility Week has a different theme to highlight the varied facets of disability and inclusivity. This year's theme, 'Forward Together: Accessibility and Inclusion for All,' is a powerful reminder of the positive changes we can make when we work as a community. It inspires hope for a future where barrier-free spaces are the norm.

Providing and amplifying spaces where equity-denied groups can share and expand is vital to curating an inclusive, kind environment that de-centers colonial-rooted prejudice.

AccessAbility Week has been an impactful time for me, as I have met people like me who are making an impact. Doors that would otherwise be closed to me are held open by disabled activists, teachers, parents, and every other valiant person working toward a better-welcoming tomorrow.

This year, King's University is holding a student panel to listen to the many perspectives that disabled students have to offer. From neurodivergence to physical disability and autoimmune conditions, this year's panel discussion will provide a fresh view of the needs of disabled students on campus and their individual needs.

Please join us on Thursday, May 30 from 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. in the Vitali Student Lounge, Wemple for our Inclusive Campuses: Empowering Accessibility, Disability, and Neurodivergence student panel. 

Register for the student panel.